--- layout: null permalink: /n/gpg.html redirect_from: - /r/gpg.html - /r/gnupg.html - /r/clawsmail.html - /r/claws-mail.html - /r/wkd.html - /n/gnupg.html - /n/clawsmail.html - /n/claws-mail.html - /n/wkd.html sitemap: false --- Quick GPG note where I may find it. To create an Ed25519 key, or whatever will be the default version in the future as defined by your GPG version: ``` gpg2 --quick-gen-key address@domain.example future-default ``` Note the keyid and edit it ``` gpg2 --edit-key KEYID adduid # here fill your name and details as asked no comments\* 1 # to select the uid the first command generated deluid # to delete the uid which doesn't contain your name save ``` *\* Comments are considered harmful https://debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/97 Then you are ready to publish the public key however you generally publish it, preferably in multiple places from where some recognise revokation certificates if the time ever comes. NOTE: You can extend the expiry time of an expired gpg signature by issuing the `expire` command in `--edit-key` and the key is valid again when the update is reimported to gpg keyrings by other people. Keybase note: To publish the key `keybase pgp select --multi` (where multi is required for multiple PGP keys per account and to submit changes to it, `keybase pgp update --all` (where --all is again necessary only if you have multiple keys). * * * * * Claws-mail note that is somewhat related. Debian: `sudo apt install claws-mail claws-mail-address-keeper claws-mail-attach-warner claws-mail-gdata-plugin claws-mail-pgpinline claws-mail-pgpmime claws-mail-smime-plugin` Load plugins from Configuration (menu) --> Plugins --> Load, they are all somewhere in `/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/claws-mail/plugins` or similar path. It wants to read `~/.signature` which I have like: ``` Mikaela Suomalainen https://mikaela.info/ 69FF 455A 869F 9031 A691 E0F1 9939 2F62 BAE3 0723 ``` My other hats have like: ``` Mikaela Suomalainen position, where, wwwpage email address xxx xxx xxxx C69C B030 AECD C8A4 2301 D6B8 DC18 9FE6 FA9B D685 ``` Note the empty line in the end, as PGP/INLINE is the way to sign emails, it the PGP signature comes after it and in my opinion looks a bit cleaner with the signature ending to an empty line. * * * * * Setting up GPG WKD (Web Key Directory), mostly stripped/adjusted from https://keyserver.mattrude.com/guides/web-key-directory/ Requires a control over domain/.well-known and email under that domain. 1. cd into site root 2. `mkdir -p .well-known/openpgpkey/hu` 3. `touch .well-known/openpgpkey/policy` 4. `gpg --list-keys --with-wkd ` 5. `gpg --no-armor --export > .well-known/openpgpkey/hu/` 6. repeat 5. for `+git` address and similar if applicable 7. in Jekyll `_config.yml` ensure existence of `include: [.well-known]` if applicable. 8. deploy 9. test with `gpg -v --auto-key-locate clear,wkd,nodefault --locate-key email@example.net` NOTE: The empty `policy` goes to the `openpgpkey` directory, not `hu` (I initially failed at this part) NOTE: only one key/WKD/email.