There might not be much to see in this page. You can find list of pages in the source.
This is list of my profiles etc. in different services.
The list can be incomplete if I am inactive somewhere or forget some place.
And some other mailing lists. You can see if email is sent by me by looking at PGP signature.
pub 4096R/82A46728 2012-03-27
Key fingerprint = 24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728
uid Mika Suomalainen
sub 4096R/A4271AC5 2012-03-27
Preferred keyserver:
My PGP key is also available here.
Please note that my key at GitHub doesn't contain any other signatures than selfsigs.
It has been procressed with pgp-clean
You can find me (Mkaysi) at freenode and OFTC.
At freenode I can usually be found from at least at #limnoria,#gribble,#supybot,##Mkaysi.
At OFTC, I can usually be found from at least at #debian-next,#supybot,
This mirror might be outdated unless you are looking at
[marduk] by Mika Suomalainen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at