--- layout: post comments: true title: "(Un)Setting umodes" category: [english] tags: [english, IRC, HexChat, ZNC] --- *As I have written more about umodes than I thought, I am breaking the posts setting/unsetting is documented here and I will link here from other posts.* Simply use `/umode +mo-des` or if that is unknown command (as it's alias in most of clients), use `/mode YOURNICK +mo-des` and you set umodes "mo" and unset "des". *These might not be real umodes and they are here just as an example.* ## Automatic umodes Umodes aren't remembered across connections so you must configure your client to (un)set them automatically. *These examples use the umodes that I am using at the time of writing.* * HexChat: Open network list, select network and click `edit`, open tab `Connect commands`, click `add` and type `umode -iI+wRQxg`. * WeeChat * now: `/set irc.server_default.command /mode $nick -iI+wRQxg` * [future?](https://github.com/weechat/weechat/issues/377) *write this if the future happens.* * ZNC: `/msg *status loadmod perform` and `/msg *perform add mode %nick% -iI+wRQxg` * The same can also be done in webadmin and if you load perform for user level, adding the command `mode %nick% -iI+wRQxg` will set umode -iI+wrqXG on all networks. ### And what these umodes mean * i — invisible, hides your channel list from whois with ircd-seven and possibly some other ircds. Also hides you from /who of people who don't share channels with you. [See also why I unset it here.](({% post_url 2015-03-26-umode--i %}) * I — On InspIRCd with [hidechans] module hides your channel list from whois. * w — receive wallops, less-important announcements from network operators that are only received by those who are curious and have umode +w. More important announcements are usually global notices. * R — block PMs from unidentified users (who tend to be spambots and if they aren't, they can identify to services). * Q — block channel redirects on Charybdis (mode +f or banforward). * x — activates IRCd based uncloaking even if it's [not that reliable](https://gist.github.com/maxteufel/1e2cf7ada079c271bd3c) * g — caller-id, people must be `/accepted` or PMed before they can PM you. More detailed post about that [here]({% post_url 2015-04-02-umode+g %}) and [part 2 here]({% post_url 2015-05-10-umode+g2 %}).