--- layout: page title: IRC navigation: true permalink: /irc/ excerpt: "Where do you find me at IRC and verify that it's me. Also includes my IRC related posts that are hopefully helpful." --- IRC has been a big part of my life, I discovered it during junior high school and have several friends and communities there. This is also shown by the amount of blog posts, I have below. I am running my own [IRC@Etro](ircs://etro.mikaela.info:6697/#mikaela.info) ([webchat](https://irc.etro.mikaela.info/)) and oper on a couple of other networks too. For a list of my registered IRCaccounts in general, please see [txt/irc.txt](/txt/irc.txt) and [my discuss page](/discuss) for registered channels outside of IRC@Etro. ### IRC-related posts *Note that this section is manually updated and might be missing some links.* * General * [Getting help from network operators when channel ops are away]({% post_url blog/2015-01-24-getting_help_with_channel_issues %}) * [Disabling DCC]({% post_url blog/2015-03-18-nodcc %}) * [Keep the ops opped]({% post_url blog/2015-04-01-keep-the-ops-opped %}) * [IRC over TLS is not pointless.]({% post_url blog/2015-04-22-IRC-over-TLS %}) * [Forming irc:// or ircs:// links]({% post_url blog/2015-05-18-ircs_links %}) * [Making channel secret or private]({% post_url blog/2015-06-08-private_secret_channels %}) * [Atheme quickstart: NickServ, HostServ, ChanServ & GroupServ]({% post_url blog/2015-09-19-atheme-quickstart %}) * Oper * [Channels & Hostmask groups: A Basic howto]({% post_url blog/2015-01-10-channels-hostmask-groups-a-basic-howto %}) * WeeChat * [Easy instructions for using SASL PLAIN]({% post_url blog/2015-03-26-weechat-sasl-simply %}) * [Ignoring with /filter]({% post_url blog/2015-05-31-weechat-filter %}) * User modes * [Showing public channels in whois / umode -iI]({% post_url blog/2015-03-26-umode--i %}) * [(Un)Setting umodes (broken from umode -iI)]({% post_url blog/2015-06-03-setting-umodes %}) * ZNC * [ZNC 1.6.0 & SSL certificate verification]({% post_url blog/2015-02-24-znc160-ssl %}) * [Installing ZNC on Ubuntu using PPA]({% post_url blog/2015-05-10-znc-ubuntu %})