* * * * * ***#GirlsLikeUs, #AS-person, #Feminist & #Linux user since 2008 with various distributions, likes #computers and #fantasy books.*** This page is not very interesting, but the following two tables on *subdomains* and *off-domain links* can be a little more interesting. | subdomain | onion | description | |:----------|:-----:|:------------| | [bot](https://bot.mikaela.info) | [tor.onion](http://mjltqllkii2pbosu.onion) | web interface of my primary IRC bot | | [bot2](https://bot2.mikaela.info) | [tor.onion](http://l3kyuvv3ezxzguld.onion) | web interface of my secondary IRC bot | | [paste](https://paste.mikaela.info) | [tor.onion](http://7oup7vkdk4cecwnr.onion) | pastebin (Stikked) | | [sypybot](http://supybot.mikaela.info) | | Some information on Supybot | | [tumblr](http://tumblr.mikaela.info) | | My Tumblr which is a little inactive… | | [wiki](https://wiki.mikaela.info) | [tor.onion](http://np32q5bveyvuv4fv.onion) | Sphinx which contains most of information that used to be here. | | [www](https://www.mikaela.info/) | [tor.onion](http://x25kqpwrh6ztytlw.onion) | reverse proxy to this page | | [zero](https://zero.mikaela.info) | [tor.onion](http://vjplyzqvgu4vw6ll.onion) | pastebin (ZeroBin) *The second table is coming soon! :)* * * * * *