My website [![Build Status](]( Directories: * PGP/ — my PGP key(s) * \_\*/ — Jekyll's own files * blog/ — blog index & feeds * css/ — css * pages/ — normal pages * php/ — php scripts that haven't found their way anywhere else * r/ — redirects, some kind of personal URL shorrtener Sitemaps: * sitemap.xml — automatically generated by Jekyll when building * sitemaps.xml — manually written sitemap index pointing to sitemaps on my sites. I am not sure how it works when there are multiple domains, so I am keeping all sitemaps in robots.txt and sitemaps.xml on bottom of it. Same will possibly happen with other domains. IPFS: I am using [IPFS]( for some embeds on this site. If you would like to help me host them: ``` ipfs pin add QmbRqyJteL8qyYefSMgVBWUEKoXRNQL7q61xhcJeoRr35h Qma7jaHDBkGk6aEuJEbbCaqgykUrn1X8XhtZ2nMbrYgVKv QmQUc6SmBS8jgvceRLjFsVJNy2NrikDotcQVFxHeRwtQRz ``` These hashes are: * 250x250 avatar * 128x128 icon (2019-02-11). * foxyproxy.json There is also IPFS.csv in this directory listing current and previous hashes and where they have been used in.