# About me
17, Linux user since 2008, currently using [Debian] Sid & [Kubuntu] Precise, interested in computers and some kind of Finnish translator.
I am seventeen years old, even though people often think that I am older. I started using Linux in 2008 and the distribution was [Ubuntu] 8.04 Hardy Heron. I am currently using [Debian] Sid (unstable) and [Kubuntu] 12.04 Precise Pangolin. I am interested in computers and I am some kind of Finnish translator.
Mkaysi @ GitHub || Mkaysi @ Gitorious
Mika Suomalainen @ Google+ || Mkaysi @ Twitter || Mkaysi @ Identi.ca || Mika Suomalainen @ Facebook || Mkaysi @ last.fm || Mika Suomalainen @ YouTube
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[GH pages]:http://pages.github.com/
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