--- layout: post comments: true title: "Getting support with Matrix" category: [english] tags: [Matrix, support, help] redirect_from: - /matrixhelp.html - /matrixsupport.html published: false --- *Matrix has many clients and servers and other projects and finding the right place to ask a question can be difficult.* I originally wanted to contribute this post to [official Matrix documentation], but found it too difficult to fit myself into their [documentation style guide], so I am typing this into my blog and linking [here](/matrixhelp.html) while hoping for the [official Matrix documentation] to replace this in the future. [official Matrix documentation]:https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc [documentation style guide]:https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst ## General The main Matrix room is `#matrix:matrix.org`, but it's a little busy and it can be easier to ask in more specific room where you are often directed to. It's bridged to `#matrix` at freenode. ## Clients Riot support lives in three rooms depending on your platform: * `#riot:matrix.org` is for Riot Web/Desktop. * `#riot-android:matrix.org` is for Riot Android. * `#ios:matrix.org` is for Riot iOS. Other rooms exist for other clients: * `#matrix-ircd:matrix.org` for Matrix IRCd, a gateway for IRC clients * Replaced PTO. * `#nachat:matrix.org` for NaChat * `#tensor:matrix.org` for Tensor * `#quaternion:matrix.org` for Quaternion (and libqmatrixclient) * `#weechat:hveem.no` for WeeChat matrix.lua script * matrix.org address: `#weechat:matrix.org` * Not to be confused with `#freenode_#weechat:matrix.org` which is for the WeeChat IRC client itself. And while they are not clients, I think they should be mentioned: * `#e2e:matrix.org` for End-to-end crypto in Matrix * `#megolm:matrix.org` for end-to-end-encryption test * Main address not set, so I am using the matrix.org one. ## Bridges & Integrations Room for 3rd party network bridging in general is `#bridges:matrix.org` which is also bridged to [matrix-org/bridging at Gitter](https://gitter.im/matrix-org/bridging). I think some bridges such as Gitter/Slack live there (please correct me if I am wrong!). The bridges I know to have their own rooms are: * `#irc:matrix.org` for the IRC bridge * [End-user FAQ], bridged to `#matrix-irc` at freenode. * `#twitter:half-shot.uk` for the Twitter bridge * matrix.org alias `#twitter:matrix.org` * `#telematrix:matrix.org` for the Telegram bridge * Doesn't have primary address set, so I take the matrix.org one. [End-user FAQ]:https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/End-user-FAQ Integrations live at `#neb:matrix.org` which appears to be very little known even to people who have been using Matrix for a long time. ## Servers I haven't been following server-side so much as I am afraid of the heavy RAM-requirement, but the rooms I am aware of are: * `#synapse:matrix.org` for unofficial Synapse support, but at the time of typing they suggest you to ask questions in `#matrix:matrix.org`. * `#ruma:matrix.org` for Ruma * * * * * [Source of this page, pull request welcome!](https://github.com/Mikaela/mikaela.github.io/blob/master/_posts/2017-01-03-matrix-getting-support.md) * * * * *