--- layout: post comments: true title: "Hau/Mau" category: [english] tags: [FAQ, frequently, asked, question, hau, dogs, finnish] redirect_from: - /hau.html - /hai.html - /mau.html published: false --- *A frequently asked question: "what does hau mean?" To avoid repeating myself, I will explain it here.* "Hau" is what dogs "say" in Finnish (they also "say" some other things such as "vuh"). At first I just greeted [Tessu] and family members by saying "hau" and then it widened to IRC & elsewhere. [Tessu]:https://mikaela.info/r/tessu It cannot be any worse greeting than "hai" (below) which some people use. ![hai](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/56/White_shark.jpg)
Valkohai (Carcharodon carcharias) by Terry Goss (CC BY 2.5) via WikiMedia.
[WikiMedia]:https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:White_shark.jpg * * * * * *Update: add some point I started saying "mau" instead which is what the cats say in Finnish, but why not as it only changes one letter.* *This is probably caused by the fact that I moved away from Tessu and [Karou from the Daughter of Smoke & Bone](/r/karou) was very easy to identify with in the first book.*