--- layout: null permalink: /n/dns.html sitemap: false --- # DNS notes _For DNS resolvers, refer to [r/resolv.tsv](/r/resolv.tsv)_ - [Identifying DNS resolver](#identifying-dns-resolver) - [Identifying support for client-subnet](#identifying-support-for-client-subnet) - [Mobile applications](#mobile-applications) - [FFUpdater](#ffupdater) ## Identifying DNS resolver - [DNS-OARC's Check My DNS](https://cmdns.dev.dns-oarc.net/) - popup under "Network". - [dnsleaktest](https://dnsleaktest.com/) - [whatsmydnsserver](http://www.whatsmydnsserver.com/) - [ipleak.net](https://ipleak.net/) - [dnsadblock](https://dnsadblock.com/dns-leak-test/) The above list is based on [redirect2me/which-dns README alternatives section](https://github.com/redirect2me/which-dns/blob/main/README.md) ## Identifying support for client-subnet Or what is being sent to the authoritative servers. ```bash dig +short TXT o-o.myaddr.l.google.com. dig +short TXT whoami.ds.akahelp.net. dig +short TXT whoami.ipv6.akahelp.net. dig +short TXT whoami.ipv4.akahelp.net. ``` - Note: Cloudflare sends ECS only for whoami.ds.akahelp.net. ## Mobile applications _With the exception of those apps that config I remember otherwise or share it with desktop versions etc._ ### [FFUpdater](https://github.com/Tobi823/ffupdater) - `https://open.dns0.eu;2a0f:fc80::ffff;2a0f:fc81::ffff;;`