--- layout: default title: Notes excerpt: You have discovered my notes listing, where I ramble about random subjects for future me, so I don't have to rediscover the things again. I tend to access these with direct link, but for your benefit, they are also listed here. It is not without realm of possibility for you to be reading this page already. permalink: /n/index.html redirect_from: /n/n.html navigation: true lang: en sitemap: true robots: noai ---


{{ page.excerpt }}

I won't comment on whether there are secret messy unlisted notes lying around.

{% assign notes = site.pages | where_exp: "page", "page.path contains 'n/'" %} {% for note in notes %} {% if note.sitemap == true %}


{{ note.url | split: ".html" }} - {{ note.excerpt | strip_html }}

{% endif %} {% endfor %}