You can see the list of official mirrors at GitHub.
cadoth is VPS provided by nyuszika7h.
GitHub pages is the latest compiled version of this site.
Some pages are redirecting you to cadoth mirror (issue [#10]. They are listed here:
Page | Mirror | Why? | Is redirecting now? |
[index.html] | cadoth | Index is usually the first page of site which is seen by the visitor. | Not yet, but will be |
[PGP/WhyDoISignEmails.html] | cadoth | Mentioned in my [gpg.conf] | Not yet, but will be |
PGP/Replies.html | cadoth | Mentioned in my [gpg.conf] | Not yet, but will be |
this page A.K.A. [mirrors.html] | cadoth | You are currently looking this on cadoth, aren't you? | YES |
articles/complaining/ImpressionI10.html | cadoth | I have advertised it too much to not forward it. | Not yet |