layout: page
permalink: /irc/chat.html
title: "Chat"
excerpt: "Webchat of my IRC channel."
- /webchat.html
- /irc/webchat.html
* **Important: [channel rules]({{ site.url }}/channel)** and
[a little about the bot]({{ site.url }}/bot).
* [Freenode FAQ: user registration](https://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration)
* [Freenode: automatic identification (SASL)](https://freenode.net/sasl)
Kiwi users: `I have a password` and type the password.
* [Telegram invite link (there is a bot bridging IRC & Telegram)](https://telegram.me/joinchat/Cc6XLD5gkdODzM4UdNdrvw)
* "Advanced" information:
* network name: `freenode`
* address: `chat.freenode.net`
* SSL port: `6697` *SSL is required for joining the channel*
* channel: `##Mikaela`
* [IRC link](/r/irc-mikaela.html)