--- layout: post comments: true title: "How to private message people on Telegram without getting reported for spam" category: [english] tags: [telegram, english, spam] redirect_from: /telegram.html --- *This should be obvious, but is apparently not as at time of writing I have blocked and reported around 30 people for spam.* ## Rules applying to everyone * Ask for permission on group before messaging me or your message is spam. * If you do message without permission, type your greeting and message on the first line using proper English (or in my case Finnish). * I am not going to read multiple lines of spam just to figure out if it's spam or not. * I am not native English speaker, so if the message consist entirely of improper English, I have to decipher the message which might go over my abilities which makes the message spam. * If you request *please don't report me for spam*, that seals your message as spam. * If I express disinterest towards the discussion, forward you somewhere else or say that I cannot help you, **stop!** Otherwise you become spammer again. There are also other factors such as my mood, but if you follow these instructions and don't ask anything [offensive](https://github.com/Mikaela/freenode-harassment/blob/master/spydar007/2015-01-12.query.log#L6), there is good chance that I or any reasonable person doesn't report you for spam. ## If we know each other * The rules applying to everyone also apply to you. * If we know each other, I might not follow them so strictly. * Remember that I have facial blindness and bad name memory, so I might not recognize you leading to spam report. * If we have shared our phone numbers, the report spam button doesn't appear. ## Further reading * [Telegram spam FAQ](https://telegram.org/faq_spam) which Telegram **should force new users to read** *in my opinion.* * The questions two and three are the most important in my opinion. * If you use your brains, you will see that this page is in line with the spam FAQ, but tries to be more idiotproof. * If you do get your account limited (=prevented from contacting people privately whose number you don't have and who doesn't have your number, punishment from spamming), contact the [spambot](https://telegram.me/spambot) instead of complaining on groups.. * Why I react so badly to spam or have written this (n addition to 30+ at time of writing blocks and spam reports) [part1](https://mikaela.info/english/2015/04/02/umode+g.html), [part2](https://mikaela.info/english/2015/05/10/umode+g2.html) & [request for Telegram that would decrease amount of spam reports](https://twitter.com/Inaneierase/status/719844660139700224).