--- published: false layout: post comments: true title: "Scum" category: [english] tags: [english, life] redirect_from: /english/2015/04/03/scum.html --- **TRIGGER WARNING** > I should probably also say some kind of opinion. > I don't like calling anyone names and I think it would be best to just talk > about things, but there are always people who don't listen or want to > understand and maybe this word has it's usage, I haven't used it much, but I > think that I might have used it sometime when upset, but I don't remember more > and my memory hasn't worked lately. > > Of course it can probably be thought that if I was more attacking, I might > still be at school unlike the people there whom this word possibly > describes... Shortly, first time they said "hi Name, you are beautiful", next > time "hi" and mocked my masculine voice and the third time I couldn't even use > bathroom in peace, my name was shouted and when I ignored them and didn't look > them at all, they shouted after me if I have \. School > naturally cannot do anything at all, because I am not cis or neurotypical so I > have just been at home for month and talked about suicide possibly daily. > > I am probably bad human, because I am in disputes with everyone everywhere and > I am not good trans either, because I only wish that I was cis girl and > neurotypical and that someone could love me some day. I don't know if being > out is the best possible choise for me, but I don't have a choice and maybe it > will help someone even if I never heard about the person and I try to do > everything I can even if nothing ever succeeds and I always do and say > everything wrongly. > > I am tired of this war which is always in these comments and continuosly trans > person is killed somewhere, especially trans woman of colour and everywhere > there are laws against LGBTIQ+ people and now there has been aa lot talk about > those bathrooms. It's just not possible to get rest from this thing. > > (and I once again managed to talk offtopic most of the time, but as I wrote > this, maybe I must also send this) > > (ja onnistuin puhumaan suurimman osan aivan aiheen vierestä, mutta kun minä > kerran kirjoitin tämän niin kai minun pitää myös lähettää tämä) -- Facebook comment _This is translated from my [Finnish post]({% post_url 2015-04-01-saasta %})_