-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256 PGP clearsigned file containing my other keys than PGP (see /index.html) * * * * * XMPP (QR codes at https://keybase.pub/mikaela/OMEMO-qr/ (note the gpg detach-sign)) XMPP/BLESMRT.NET Private/small groups and friends separately for when big groups feel too overwhelming with activity. Nokia 1 / Conversations a991b61f 361d4a9a 3c5a7387 8ccc6e89 b4111e79 8406e62f 3cc65d0f 2c8d3656 Sedric / Dino 9846018741a8da62ea42a7428a82af5851b635875ac915b7c067127715cedd50 Sedric / Gajim 1645280364 67EFE1B3 D6F9A526 B9604EAC 307AD1B6 263B3E9F 2A16F60A 509516B9 2D93C24F Kincarron / Dino fa0181376af9ea6e072360470ce3cf167f8a023d51a15dfaecf3c90a9fd06f2d Zaldaryn/Dino c7d194dfd5ac1bb3800b3bd3bb025049836f0862d7ba61c757bb37bd806f5549 Kincarron/Gajim 794679D7 ED50C694 CB989B06 0E3381B5 CD9FE47C 8BCDD494 D9A6FB2C 98372075 XMPP/DISROOT.ORG Public/big groups to be separate from blesmrt.net, so I have a killswitch when I am overwhelmed by amount/activity of groups. Nokia 1 / Conversations 3e003b4a 28a379f3 cd39396d de6a6659 15a80652 80cd3184 755614f2 e129aa01 Sedric / Dino 5a28be1683e13f1ea443a6bcd82087474c50329105607bdc9631fb8e3338fb25 Sedric / Gajim 1924141481 4BDA6162 80E54D8B 7FF5D7D5 9C4F9520 26A3D4E8 4963D001 AC707E5D 7938D667 Kincarron/Dino a20ad8b7c47c9ca9d33ad62bda449d15afdb3c75f1bb96477b47c66bc402590a Zaldaryn/Dino 2aeb3cd9d1ea49742991685b99d24f91299c3ef913fdaed003181a42b077226c Kincarron/Gajim 511993204 3B903AEE 73E6AAEF 0C01E5AA 565A2BE9 0F7407C8 DBDBCCF8 0B5D9D27 26F7BD5F * * * * * MATRIX This section is likely to stay incomplete until some mechanism of copying fingerprints of verified devices is implemented. https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/2735 Hope that cross-signing gets implemented soon. https://github.com/vector-im/riot-web/issues/2714 @mikaela:feneas.org sedric-profile-20191127 NYDCBCUCKG dhxM AP5/ 8us4 yC+u zsOL 90KH eKF5 t/aN HctY 9EOo yYM * * * * * WIRE Sedric Wire Linux 51 12 38 05 39 92 F9 59 41 97 e0 b9 0c b5 3d d8 3a 46 59 e8 2e ba cb 64 61 36 4a 0e e8 c3 a0 08 f6 79 92 06 95 08 f6 2e Nokia 1 HMD Global Nokia 1 46 82 D6 7F 7C 10 E8 AE e2 d5 8b 67 f6 a8 15 9c c0 7a 9b 57 aa 55 55 8c 9b 14 55 a1 c1 ad b4 8b 42 fb 95 84 5c 42 d4 e5 SGS III samsung GT-I9305 92 D7 96 E0 8C 1E 29 17 0a 23 ae aa 5f 78 f8 6d 3b 74 18 df c9 9c 74 cc 50 61 25 01 8d 51 e4 f1 8a 98 16 2e c9 ab 9f 0a Zaldaryn Wire Linux 7B 67 B5 01 77 EE 62 2A af 1b 11 b7 17 6e d7 39 46 27 31 d1 ed 1a 33 b1 9b 63 09 f1 ad 27 32 6f 47 d9 95 03 a9 ca 01 7d Sedric/Windows/Firefox/app.wire.com ID: eb 9b 7b 1b f5 39 e6 bf Fingerprint: 56 33 4c db 45 7c fb 86 5a c9 05 17 2b c3 88 3b 33 b8 e8 57 38 ad 4a 0b 88 5b 5c 1d 58 f2 fb a3 Kincarron/Wire Flatpak ID: DB D4 A2 0E 44 36 90 26 Fingerprint: 98 8d 01 a6 59 6e 5f 52 91 68 a0 3f 73 85 e9 aa 02 01 e1 bf 75 87 42 31 b5 2f ac c8 79 40 39 9b -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iIsEARYIADMWIQRp/0Vahp+QMaaR4PGZOS9iuuMHIwUCXpxYPhUcbWlrYWVsYUBt aWthZWxhLmluZm8ACgkQmTkvYrrjByOXdQD5AaQuBeohDQHCtLei1htZ34SsNO5E CaPGlGvBOqu83z0A/11wXV7YvNVlE+45/H0tvVqYqeayl6eLTGzpYo3aAagM =vF6d -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----