--- layout: page title: '[m]' navigation: true permalink: /matrix/ excerpt: "Matrix, a decentralised conversation store" --- Just like [IRC](/irc/), *Matrix* has became a part of my social life online. My room can be found from [my discuss page](/discuss) alongside some protocol comparison and my main accounts are in [index](/). I also have a [txt with a list of all my accounts](/txt/matrix.txt) which [has SSH signature](/txt/matrix.txt.sig). ## Matrix-related posts *Note that this section is manually updated and might be missing some links.* * Critique * [Inconsistency issues of Element, Element and Element, also privacy concerns]({% post_url blog/2021-08-03-matrix-perfect-privacy-not %}) * [Without selfhosting a homeserver or even then, Matrix moderation tools rely on security through obscurity]({% post_url blog/2021-12-05-matrix-community-abuse-security-by-obscurity %}) * [A couple of words on protocols (on the Discuss page)](/discuss.html/#a-couple-of-words-on-protocols) ## Questions and Answers ### Why so many accounts? In my opinion it's preferable to have multiple accounts on different homeservers for ensuring decentralisation instead of having a single authority in power and being able to issue commands from multiple servers in case of federation meltdown which multiple rooms experienced during the period of room version 9 before homeserver software started to nag on unintentionally open registration refusing to start. ### Why do you use Matrix URI scheme instead of matrix.to? I dislike matrix.to as a concept. It's a centralized service on decentralized protocol and in my opinion it shows lack of self-esteem on Matrix side considering neither XMPP or IRC require something like it, both of those trust being known or handled appropiately. ### Which client do you recommend? The one that fits your needs. Personally I mix-and-match: * FluffyChat on mobile * I am a Finnish translator and moderator. It does multiple accounts. * hydrogen.element.io PWA mainly on mobile, sometimes on desktop * It's the only Matrix client that is yet to log me out randomly, very stable, multiple account support and so far the only Matrix client running on Nokia 1 (TA-1047). * develop.element.io / Element flatpak on desktop * `/devtools` is essential (see my critiques), and they don't support Fedora. * Nheko nightly flatpak on desktop * I am a Finnish translator, it's actually the most Spec-complete client in my experience without long delays before something becomes supported and it's lightweight probably for being a native app instead of Electron. ### Which homeserver do you recommend? I am hesistant to recommend any. Finnish users may be interested in the [Linux.fi wiki listing](https://www.linux.fi/wiki/Matrix), everyone else may be served by [joinmatrix.org listing](https://joinmatrix.org/servers/). ### Why don't you run your own? As can be read between the lines from my critiques, I don't consider any homeserver to be in the state that it's either safe to run legally or lightweight enough or not require constant maintenance as opposed to IRC which I do selfhost. The world situation in general discourages me from anything as heavy. * * * * * *The lucky Matrix number is `{{site.matrixLatestRoomVersion}}`, but do [consult the Spec for that](https://spec.matrix.org/latest/rooms/#complete-list-of-room-versions) and definitely ask `!servers upgrade {{site.matrixLatestRoomVersion}}` from [Version Checker](matrix:u/version:maunium.net) or [Fluff Generator](matrix:u/+:jae.fi) or [their siblings](https://github.com/maubot/rsvc).*