--- layout: page title: Social media navigation: true permalink: /some/ redirect_from: - /links/ - /irc/chat.html excerpt: "Links to my SOcial MEdia accounts and other accounts around the internet." --- *Notice on XMPP: check the keys page on which account I am using.* * [GitHub](https://github.com/Mikaela) * [Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/11147845-mikaela-suomalainen) * You should be asked *Where do I know you from or why we should be friends?* * [Keybase](http://keybase.io/Mikaela) * [Open HUB](https://www.openhub.net/accounts/Mikaela) * [Together (Jolla forum)](https://together.jolla.com/users/6732/mikaela/) * [Ubuntu Wiki](https://wiki.ubuntu.com/mikaela) *that is horribly outdated and I should update-* * * * * * ## Referral links * [Wolt](http://get.woltapp.com/93O1) * "*Every time a new friend signs up to Wolt with your personal code and makes their first order, they get a €5.00 discount and you get €5.00 worth in credits. Happy sharing!*" * `93O1` * [N26](https://n26.com/r/mikaelas0922) * `mikaelas0922` * [Revolut](https://revolut.com/r/mikaeldmt) * [TransferWise](https://transferwise.com/u/mikaelas18)