# aminda.eu [![pre-commit.ci status](https://results.pre-commit.ci/badge/github/Mikaela/mikaela.github.io/master.svg)](https://results.pre-commit.ci/latest/github/Mikaela/mikaela.github.io/master) This website should be fairly typical Jekyll project. The index contains `rel=me` links everywhere so projects such as Mastodon give me the green checkmark. _Automatically generated Table of Contents - Automaattinen sisällysluettelo_ - [Sitemaps](#sitemaps) - [Unusual directories](#unusual-directories) - [Submodules](#submodules) - [Building](#building) ## Sitemaps - `sitemap.xml` — automatically generated by Jekyll when building - `sitemaps.xml` — manually written sitemap index pointing to sitemaps on my sites. I am not sure how it works when there are multiple domains, so I am keeping all sitemaps in robots.txt and sitemaps.xml on bottom of it. Same will possibly happen with other domains. ## Unusual directories Or directories that generally aren't encountered in other similar projects. - `n/` - quick notes for my personal reference with memorable addresses. - `r/` - my personal url redirector for links that I have to refer to more or less often. - `txt/` - signed text files such as account list to decrease impact of identity theft attempts. - `PGP/` - my current and some previous PGP keys. ### Submodules - `ir/` - list of I2P services, previously a part of this repository for memorable addresses. - `lfs-media/` - orphan branch containing lfs-media such as the avatars. However it doesn't work with GitHub pages. - `or/` - same as `ir/`, but for Tor Onion Services. ## Building 1. Install `bundler` onto your system. 1. `cd` to root of this repository, if you didn't already. 1. _Optionally_ configure where you wish bundler to install everything. This repository already specifies `bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'` in the gitignored `.bundle/config` file. 1. Run `bundle install` 1. You are done, `bundle exec jekyll ` and similar commands should work, just remember `bundle exec` in front of the command so the system wide installation doesn't unintentionally get used.