--- layout: post comments: true title: "Quickstart with Atheme IRC Services (& forks) for end users" category: [english] tags: [english, irc, atheme] sitemap: true robots: noai redirect_from: - /nickserv.html - /chanserv.html - /groupserv.html - /atheme.html - /english/2015/09/19/atheme-quickstart.html --- Atheme IRC Services is the most used IRC service package. However many people have difficulties with registering a channel and then managing it, which I attempt to help with here. I start by explaining NickServ registration (and as a bonus HostServ) and then move to channel management and you just cannot talk about that without mentioning GroupServ too... ## NickServ You won't be able to do anything unless you register your nick. This is as easy as `/msg nickserv register PASSWORD someone@example.net`. Depending on Atheme configuration on the IRC network you are using, you must verify your email by checking it and copy-pasting the command which starts with `/msg NickServ verify register` to NickServ. In case you wish to have multiple nicks in the same account, that is also easy, just `/nick AltNick` and `/msg nickserv group`. You can see nicks you have by using `/msg nickserv info yournick` (other people (except IRC operators) cannot see that part). Now you should be successfully identified and should configure automatic identification, I cannot help with it so much, but I can point you to beginning: - [liberachat's SASL instructions](https://libera.chat/guides/sasl) - [My instructions for SASL with WeeChat]({% post_url blog/2015-03-26-weechat-sasl-simply %}) - [Searx YOURCLIENTHERE SASL](https://search.disroot.org/?q=YOURCLIENTHERE+SASL) - IRCCloud: edit network and go to advanced settings and you will see box for NickServ password. - KiwiIRC: Check "I have a password" and type your passsword there. Ensure that you specified a nick that is grouped to your account. - Matrix: in the admin room (direct chat with the appservice-irc), say `!storepass password` to have the password send with PASS on connect. In case of liberachat use `!storepass nick:password` and/or see more information at [matrix-appservice-irc wiki]. - [IRC networks with Matrix bridge] - [Matrix bridge end-user FAQ register/identify section] [matrix-appservice-irc wiki]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/ [irc networks with matrix bridge]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/Bridged-IRC-networks [matrix bridge end-user faq register/identify section]: https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-appservice-irc/wiki/End-user-FAQ#how-do-i-registeridentify-to-nickserv ## HostServ In case the network you are on has HostServ, you can get vhosts with it. Vhosts appear in place of your real host/cloaked host, but [won't hide your IP](https://gist.github.com/maxteufel/1e2cf7ada079c271bd3c). There are two ways to get a vhost, take one that is offered to everyone or request something. - Check `/msg hostserv offerlist` and if you see something you like, you can enable it with e.g. `/msg hostserv take $user.irc.example.net` and running `/msg hostserv on`. - Use `/msg nickserv request blah` and when you receive message telling you that your requested vhost has been approved use `/msg hostserv on`. ## ChanServ And finally to the topic which seems to be the most difficult, channel (access) management. First register the channel with `/msg ChanServ register #channel` while you are opped. Now you are free to setup the channel as you wish. I use the following templates, so I can e.g. `/msg chanserv flags #channel someone op` instead of `/msg chanserv flags #channel someone +vVhHoOirtAe`. You can also use the network defaults that you can see with `/msg chanserv template`. _This is a bash scripts which is ran like `./cstemplate #channel` and copy-pasted to ChanServ. It basically allows ops to do everything they could do anyway by being opped using services and "trusted users" have became regulars on channels I am on. If a flag doesn't exist on the network you are on, Atheme will just silently ignore it._ **You should see my cstemplate script here, but the embedding isn't working, to see it [please click here to go to the GitHub instance of it](https://github.com/Mikaela/gist/blob/master/irc/atheme/cstemplate).** Another example using my templates would be `/msg ChanServ flags #channel !channel-ops op` which would give op permissions above to users in the !channel-ops group. ## GroupServ I mentioned groups a little earlier and now I am returning to them. They are a way to manage flags of group of users very easily by having all users in the group and just setting flags to the group instead of invidual users. _GroupServ is undervalued service and it might not be surprising if it's missing from your network :(_ Start by creating your group `/msg groupserv register !blah` (you might want to register a more descriptive name). Next, as in this example this group is going to be op #somewhere we close the group: `/msg groupserv set !group open off`. Now there are only two tasks left, making the group op and adding ops there: - `/msg chanserv flags #channel !blah op` - where `op` can still be replaced with `aop` if you are following Atheme defaults or some other template you created or your own set of flags. - `/msg groupserv flags !blah user +c` - Repeat as many times as you have ops, to remove ops you simply remove their `-c` flag or all flags (`-*`). You will also want to read `/msg groupserv help flags` as there is more than I said here. ## Futher reading - [Always add opers to access list (this is the $oper in my templates)]({% post_url blog/2015-01-10-channels-hostmask-groups-a-basic-howto %}) - oops, did I just repeat previous post - [Keep the ops opped]({% post_url blog/2015-04-01-keep-the-ops-opped %}) - especially read this if you are at liberachat or wondering why you don't get automatically opped after registering the channel and cycling while being identified! - `/msg NickServ help` - `/msg NickServ help set` - especially worth taking a look at: `emailmemos` & `enforce` - `/msg ChanServ help` - `/msg ChanServ help set` - especially worth taking a look at: `guard`, `keeptopic`, `verbose` - `/msg ChanServ help flags` - what flags are available, what they do and managing them. - `/msg ChanServ help template` - official documentation for using templates. - `/msg GroupServ help` - `/msg GroupServ help flags` - `/msg GroupServ help set`