diff --git a/articles/guides/Windows.html b/articles/guides/Windows.html index b30a21a..4fc25f6 100644 --- a/articles/guides/Windows.html +++ b/articles/guides/Windows.html @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ netsh wlan start hostednetwork
NOTE: If you get error about missing svchost service or something else, press Windows + R and run "services" and enable "Wireless autoconfiguration" or something like that.
NOTE2: If you get other error, disable the network card in adapter settings and enable it again. Then run "netsh wlan start hostednetwork again".
NOTE3: If nothing helps, run "netsh wlan show drivers" and ensure that your network card supports hosted/virtual networks.
-TODO: I must find out how to not have the network WPA2 secured. Leaving key=mypassword out doesn't seem to work.
+According to superuser user Soumya it's not possible to have open hosted network :(.