diff --git a/articles/guides/GPG/GPG.html.md b/articles/guides/GPG/GPG.html.md
index ec15f92..b388056 100644
--- a/articles/guides/GPG/GPG.html.md
+++ b/articles/guides/GPG/GPG.html.md
@@ -71,3 +71,41 @@ and * appears to that UID to tell you that that UID is selected. Now give comman
to make it the primary UID again.
Now you can exit from GPG with
+> quit
+and confirm to save changes with
+> y
+#### Step 1: Importing old key
+You can import your old private key same way as you import public keys. This means:
+> gpg2 --import key.asc
+Where key.asc is the file, which contains the (private) key(s)
+### Step 2: backing up the key
+You need to know your keyid. I told you how to get it in "Adding new uids". To back up your private key, run
+> gpg2 --export-secret-keys -a KEYID
+and save the output of that command to file. If you are on Linux or Mac OS X, you can forward the output directly to file, with
+> gpg2 --export-secret-keys -a KEYID > privatekey.asc
+The previous command creates a file called "privatekey.asc", which contains the output of the first command.
+### Step 3: Configuring gpg(2)
+### Step 4: Sharing your public key
+There are two ways to share your key. I personally use and recommend them both.
+### Without keyservers
+If you have homepage, it's recommended that you put your key there. My key can be found