GPG guide: digitalize page 4.

This commit is contained in:
Mikaela Suomalainen 2012-06-03 14:29:18 +03:00
parent e2baa9448b
commit 8a6dfaacf4

View File

There are two ways to share your key. I personally use and recommend them both.
### Without keyservers
#### Without keyservers
If you have homepage, it's recommended that you put your key there. My key can be found at [PGP/key.txt]
You can get your public key with command
> gpg2 --export -a KEYID
or if you use Linux and have installed package signing-party, you can use
> pgp-clean KEYID
to get your public key without signatures (I will explain them later). WARNING: pgp-clean seems to also remove encryption subkey.
#### With keyservers
If you followed my configuration, you are usng as your keyserver and you are automatically receiving unknown keys from t, whenever you try to verify something, what is signed with unknown key.
To send your public key to keyserver, run
> gpg2 --send-keys KEYID
To receive key from keyserver, run
> gpg2 --recv-keys KEYID
To search keys from keyserver, use
> gpg2 --search-keys QUERY WORDS
or if you are using Linux and have packages signing-party and dialog installed, you can use
> keylookup QUERY WORDS
If you have homepage, it's recommended that you put your key there. My key can be found