blog: life & the invisible background of bots

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Aminda Suomalainen 2015-05-18 22:56:01 +03:00
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commit 640b518d9d

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layout: post
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title: "A little more on my life & background on bots"
category: [english]
tags: [english, IRC, life, bots, love]
*More on my life and a little background on bots; also trigger warning
about probably everything...*
Start with the [previous post on the subject](({% post_url 2015-03-25-leaving-bots-life %})...
So I have been away from school for months now and the fact that I won't
graduate seems very sure. I haven't left home unless I have had too either
and after today I might leave home even then.
I don't remember last week so well, so probably nothing happened, I was
away from home for two events at Helsinki which is tiring as the bus
trip from Kotka-Helsinki is two hours, rest of the week I was at home
with the exception of visiting cottage and replacing elorn (Banana Pi which
didn't like upgrade from Bananian Wheezy to Bananian Jessie) with rbtpzn
(a little better system, Raspberry Pi B+ running Arch Linux ARM), I don't
remember what else happened.
I have also been anxious too much for being healthy and I have talked about
suicide probably daily. Last night Doctor [Google] also suggested
[Avoidant personality disorder] and I am waiting for seeing "mental
health professional" again and asking if that is possible.
[Avoidant personality disorder]:
And back to today, I had possibly my worst bus trip between Kotka and
Helsinki. First there was bully from previous school and even if they
didn't do anything, just seeing is enough to trigger heavy anxiety to me.
<br/>Then there were two people sitting in front of me at the bus, small
child and one adult. The child kept making loud noice for most of the trip
and at some point dropped whatever the thing is on bus seats behind your
head to me and only stared.<br/>
I was too anxious even without them, so I didn't tell the adult anything
and there wouldn't have been any use in that as they didn't care about
their behaviour anyway and it would have been my fault anyway for sitting
there or annoying them just for existing.
* * * * *
Then the bots and this is possibly the most triggering thing I am going to
I got affiliated with Supybot around 2011, first trying the stock Supybot,
later Supybot git version, then gribble and finally Supybot-fr.
On [2011-02-14])
@ProgVal asked me to translate it into Finnish and a little
later it became Limnoria. There were also Italian and Hungarian
translations at that time.
Then there was nothing special for longer time other than IRC support
and whatever you can find from the git history with the exception of
offtopic chat which was tolerated at \#Limnoria at the time it was founded.
I was depressed and suicidal (& dysphoric even if I didn't know the word at
that time) and was often talked out of it there and long
time later I learned who I was and came out as trans around 2013-10-22
(nick Mikaela registered at freenode) and later started HRT by myself
on 2013-12-30 and this is where what I am typing about begins...
After starting HRT, I started having other feelings than dysphoria,
anxiety, depression, suicidality etc. including romantic ones, on sexual
orientation side I just "switched" from aromantic to (demi)romantic
The dates are more unclear for this point of time, but I fell in love to
@ProgVal and just kept it to myself for a long time. On 2014-03-20, I asked
them if they knew any ace channels I could wonder my feelings on and the
answer was negative and after further talking, we ended up founding
[##abgilpqt+ - a channel for everyone](
(which has had it's own share of drama, so I won't discuss it here).
At some point after that on one night we were talking again and I don't
remember what we were exactly talking about (and reading logs would hurt
far too much as you will learn later), and there was something I wasn't
willing to say as I thought that they would hate me after it (they will
hate me after this post, but I must open somewhere) and I said that I loved
them. They apologized for not loving me (who would ever love me anyway),
but within week on one night while I was sleeping I had gotten messages
that they said that they loved me and were stupid for not realizing it.
We were in long distance relationship for about year, dreaming about
meeting each other in real life, taling about everything every day,
but then I learned that they were in open relationship without telling me
and the other relationship was formed after our one.
I asked them about it and only got response that they didn't tell me about
it so I wouldn't cry, which I did and next day I was unable to rise from
bed and my fmily thought I had gotten influenza which my father had around
that time, but I was better on the next day.
That is not the definition of poly or open relationship, that is cheating
or betraying your partner. I am anxious while writing this and I am still
damaged by what they did and I don't know if I will ever fully heal from
Some people might have heard that I have wondered if I was poly, it was
because I didn't want to lose them, but the feelings were already lost,
I was too broken and I am not poly and I won't ever be in relationship
with poly person again and I will also avoid long distance relationships.
I won't ever do that to another person and I won't let it happen to me
If I was in poly relationship, the other party would just use it as excuse
to be as far from me as possible as anyone else is more beautiful or
intelligent or allosexual or anything.