n/helen: add alternative OmaHelen expressions

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Aminda Suomalainen 2022-11-05 17:36:51 +02:00
parent f6ded28388
commit 362358d50b
Signed by: Mikaela
SSH Key Fingerprint: SHA256:CXLULpqNBdUKB6E6fLA1b/4SzG0HvKD19PbIePU175Q
1 changed files with 9 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ basicdistribution: "5.51 €/month"
distributionmargin: "4.07 c/kWh"
basicstock: "3,93 €/month"
stockmargin: "0,38 c/kWh"
omahelenhighprice: "20 c/kWh"
omahelenlowprice: "5 c/kWh"
Tuntihinta @ [Apple App Store](https://apps.apple.com/app/tuntihinta/id824684537) [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=fi.fingrid.tuntihinta)
@ -24,8 +26,11 @@ Helen markkinahintasähkö kuukaudelle {{ page.month }} on {{ page.monthly }}.
*Jekyll ei salli matematiikkaa suoraan tietoturvasyistä.*
* Kallis: <strong>{{ page.monthly }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }}</strong> (Helenin markkinasähköhinta + siirtohinta kWh)
* Hakpa: <strong>({{ page.monthly }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }}) / 2</strong> (Helenin markkinasähköhinta + siirtohinta kWh / 2), ***pyöristettynä alaspäin***
* Halpa: <strong>({{ page.monthly }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }}) / 2</strong> (Helenin markkinasähköhinta + siirtohinta kWh / 2), ***pyöristettynä alaspäin***
* Marginaali: <strong>{{ page.distributionmargin }} + {{ page.stockmargin }}</strong> (Helen Sähköverkot Oy siirtohinta kWh + pörssisähkön marginaali).
* OmaHelen kohtelee alle {{ page.omahelenlowprice }} halpana ja yli {{ page.omahelenhighprice }} kalliina, joten vaihtoehtoiset kaavat ovat:
* Kallis: <strong>{{ page.omahelenhighprice }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }} + {{ page.stockmargin }}</strong> (OmaHelenin korkea hinta + Marginaali)
* Halpa: <strong>{{ page.omahelenlowprice }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }} + {{ page.stockmargin }}</strong> (OmaHelenin matala hinta + Marginaali)
## Lähteet
@ -47,6 +52,9 @@ Helen's monthly market price for month {{ page.month }} is {{ page.monthly }}.
* Expensive: <strong>{{ page.monthly }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }}</strong> (Helen's Market Price Electricity + distribution margin)
* Cheap: <strong>({{ page.monthly }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }}) / 2</strong> (Helen's Market Price Electricity + distribution margin / 2), ***round down***
* Margin: <strong>{{ page.distributionmargin }} + {{ page.stockmargin }}</strong> (Distribution fee + stock margin)
* OmaHelen app treats {{ page.omahelenlowprice }} as cheap and over {{ page.omahelenhighprice }} as expensive, so alternative equations are:
* Expensive: <strong>{{ page.omahelenhighprice }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }} + {{ page.stockmargin }}</strong> (OmaHelen's high price + Marginal)
* Cheap: <strong>{{ page.omahelenlowprice }} + {{ page.distributionmargin }} + {{ page.stockmargin }}</strong> (OmaHelen's low price + Marginal)
## Sources