<metacharset="UTF-8"/><!-- <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60" /> --><metaname="description"content="Interesting things with Windows (mainly 8 or 7)."/><metaname="keywords"content="Windows,Windows7,Windows8,7,8,netsh,WLAN,tether,connection,sharing,Administrator,root,enable,"/><metaname="author"content="Mika Suomalainen"/><linkrel="canonical"href="http://mkaysi.github.com/articles/guides/Windows.html">
<p>You can do interesting things with Windows 8 and 7. For example you can tether your connection to other devices without installing 3rd party software, enable Administrator account etc.</p>
<h2id="removing-password-without-administrator-access.">Removing password without Administrator access.</h2>
<p>This can be done easily with <ahref="http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/">ntpasswd</a>. It also has other features, but I only recommend using the "blank password" / "remove password" function as it's the most working one. This feature should work with Windows XP too, but I have only tried it with 7 and 8.</p>
<p>I don't type usage instructions here, because <ahref="http://pogostick.net/~pnh/ntpasswd/">ntpasswd</a> has enough good documentation and it's easy to use anyway.</p>