
28 lines
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2014-12-29 18:35:21 +01:00
# Site settings
title: Mikaela's website
2014-12-29 18:35:21 +01:00
description: > # this means to ignore newlines until "baseurl:"
This site includes my blog, public keys and information on finding me
at IRC. There are also links to my different profiles and what possibly
more interesting subdomains there are.
2014-12-29 18:35:21 +01:00
baseurl: "" # the subpath of your site, e.g. /blog/
url: "http://mikaela.info" # the base hostname & protocol for your site
twitter_username: Mkaysi
github_username: Mikaela
2014-12-29 18:35:21 +01:00
# Build settings
2014-12-31 07:16:04 +01:00
markdown: redcarpet
2014-12-31 07:23:27 +01:00
extensions: ["no_intra_emphasis", "fenced_code_blocks", "autolink", "tables", "with_toc_data", "strikethrough", "lax_spacing", "space_after_headers", "superscript"]
2014-12-29 18:35:21 +01:00
# Custom settings
timezone: Europe/Helsinki
encoding: utf-8
2014-12-29 18:36:48 +01:00
- jekyll-mentions
- jemoji
- jekyll-redirect-from
- jekyll-sitemap
file: "/sitemap.xml"
include: [PGP, PHP, keybase.txt]