_I have been using SSH signed git commits from 8 months and started signing things with my SSH key instead of PGP keys and thought to share how to do that more easily_
Usually you do `ssh-keygen -Y sign -f MYPUBLICKEY -n TYPE filename`, but that is a bit of effort, why not make an alias for it? In my shellrc's I have:
alias ssh-sign-file="ssh-keygen -Y sign -f ~/.ssh/signingkey.pub -n file"
As I don't change which key I use so often, I can export my public key to `~/.ssh/signingkey.pub`
or symlink it to the right place and now when I need to sign something, I can just `ssh-sign-file file.txt`
to generate a `file.txt.sig`. Of course this assumes that I always sign files, but I don't remember signing other things as git handles the commits for me.
Thus to sign file, I simply say `ssh-sign-file hello.txt` to receive `hello.txt.sig` containing my signature.
Signing file hello.txt
Write signature to hello.txt.sig
## Verifying
There isn't much point in signing things, unless you are able to verify them. The command for this is `ssh-keygen -Y verify -f $allowed_signers -I $EMAIL -n file -s SIGNATUREFILE < $2`, isn't that a bit much to keep in mind? In my opinion it is and thus the function gets a bit more complicated: