1.`npm install -D -E prettier@3.3.1 prettier-plugin-nginx@1.0.3 @prettier/plugin-ruby@4.0.4 prettier-plugin-toml@2.0.1 @prettier/plugin-xml@3.4.1` or probably just `pnpm install -D` if it's not your project.
1. If they don't exist already `echo "{}" > .prettierrc && touch .prettierignore`
This is the file that controls [`pre-commit`]s behaviour.
### Offline
I accidentally wrote this while updating this page to reflect me using prettier outside of [`pre-commit`] too nowadays. This has the advantage that the same local environment gets reused and dependencies are managed centrally, but assumes everyone uses pnpm, won't work in [`pre-commit` ci] and may have other issues I am not thinking of as a not-coder myself.
[`pre-commit`]: https://pre-commit.com
[`pre-commit` ci]: https://pre-commit.ci
skip: [pnpm-prettier]
- repo: local
- id: pnpm-prettier
name: prettier
entry: pnpm exec prettier --write
language: system
# Better handled by pretty-format-json from pre-commit-hooks.