I don't know, but it seems that some people want. On 06.10.12 there has been spam attack against [Limnoria's pastebin] where the pasted message has title which contains some nicks (including mine) from #Limnoria at freenode and then Limnoria bot announces it on #Limnoria and spams people.
What does this have to do with me? I was sleeping when this started around 00:30 Finnish time (UTC+3), but the pasted message claims
Pasted by Mkaysi.
Everyone knows that I am known as Mkaysi at multiple places, but that paster isn't me. If I pasted something, the paster name would be "Mkaysi".
Maybe I will start signing all my pastes in the future. There is [feature request for pastebinit] about that.
#### Expection
School forces me to send some emails without signing them when I am not at home.
You might have "import-minimal" or "import-clean" in your keyserver-options in your gpg.conf, so you don't see the signatures. If you don't have them, run
*NOTE*: My key contains information, that my preferred keyserver is pool.sks-keyservers.net, so it's used with --refresh-keys with my key even if you speify another keyserver. This isn't the case if you use very old version of my key.
### Why you don't get signatures from some bot certificate authority?
#### [PGP Global Directory]
I have got signature from [PGP Global Directory], it wanted only to confirm my email addresses.
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