While I think that MAC based opting out would be better than making SSID
messy, most parties doing the mapping only accept SSID and I hope all
will take `_nomap` as mark of not wanting to participate.
I also run `openwireless.org` hotspot and I like the idea, but as the SSID
for it must be `openwireless.org` I had to leave it. I still belong to the
movement as I still have open guest network **without captive portal or
time limit**.
The network is now called as `openwireless_nomap` and `openwireless5_nomap`
(dualband router and 5 means 5 GHz). I hope that the type of users doesn't
change by that change and in case it's abused, it's existence is easier
to proof than that my private network was hacked.
I encourage you to read about
[the Open Wireless Movement](https://openwireless.org/) and join by
opening a guest network *without captive portal or time limit* and
preferably naming it as `openwireless.org`. In case you have similar issues
like me, `openwireless` or `openwireless_nomap` are also OK, the idea is
what counts.
*It's openwireless_nomap and not openwireless_optout_nomap, because there
is no need to opt out of sharing passwords on open (no password) networks.
Also the order [_optout_nomap comes from reddit](https://redd.it/3g3xyu).*
The other thing that I mentioned in the beginning is how I am worried on
how easy it is to geolocate people.
1. Start a discussion which with you somehow receive information on SSIDs
that people use or if they are part of `openwireless.org`.
2. Go to their GitHub/Twitter/Facebook/whatever profiles and check where
they live or just get that information in the discussion too.
3. Go to [WiGLE.net](https://wigle.net/) and go where your target lives
and enter their SSID to the right and click filter and you will see dot
on the map where they live.
I don't like this and I don't doubt that there are people who would
cause me (physical) harm (read the rest of this site/blog or then just be
on common IRC channels and see as I make enemies).
> WiGLE respects your privacy. To have records of your access point removed from our database, or if you have any questions or suggestions, send an email to: WiGLE-admin[at]WiGLE.net (please include BSSID (MAC) in removal requests). We're also on IRC: at WiGLE.net:6667