<metaname="description"content="A little information about me and links to my social media accounts and referral links to give you and me more space (or whatever they give) in different services :)"/>
***17, [AS](http://mkaysi.github.com/Asperger.html), Linux user since 2008, currently using [Fedora], interested in computers and some kind of Finnish translator.***
About me
My name is Mika Suomalainen. I am probably more known with my nickname *Mkaysi*. I am seventeen years old, even though people often think that I am older
which can probably be explained with my [Asperger's syndrome](http://mkaysi.github.com/Asperger.html).
I started using Linux in 2008 and the distribution was [Ubuntu] 8.04
Hardy Heron. I am currently using [Fedora]. I am interested in computers.
I am also some kind of Finnish translator.
Asperger's Syndrome (AS)
Asperger's Syndrome causes me different kinds of problems, but has also
positive things. For example, I can easily remember things which are
related to computers, like how I usually set up some operating system.
More about it [here](http://mkaysi.github.com/Asperger.html).
As I said, I started using Linux in 2008 and the distribution was [Ubuntu].
But [Ubuntu] wasn't the first distribution, that I used, it was the first
distribution which I installed.
### Damn Small Linux
I started testing Linux using [Damn Small Linux] on USB stick. I didn't do
very much with it and I don't think that you can do very much with it
when compared to some other distribution.
[Damn Small Linux]:http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/
### Ubuntu
[Ubuntu] was the first distribution that I installed. The release was 8.04
Hardy Heron. I stayed fully in Ubuntu some years before I got involved
with Limnoria and that was when I started trying other distributions.
### Debian
People in [Limnoria] got me to try [Debian] Sid (unstable) and I liked it,
because it usually had newer packages than [Ubuntu] and I used it a long
time. I did ever manage to crash it if we don't count installing closed
[nVidia] display driver and using [Debian] [Experimental] with higher priority
All other content by me than the ones mentioned above are
licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license aka [CC-BY](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).
### Whom to attribute with Creative Commons licenses?
My name is **Mika Suomalainen** and my homepage is **http://mkaysi.github.com/** .
I would like at least this information be attributed and if you want you
can also attribute **Mika Suomalainen (Mkaysi)** with homepage **http://mkaysi.github.com/ .**
### Why do you have "default licences" for works that don't mention license?
**Licences under this bolded message don't have anything to do with my work.
For information about my works, read above!**
I have "signed" [Fedora Project Contributor Agreement](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal:Fedora_Project_Contributor_Agreement?rd=Legal:FPCA) which specifies
default licences of signers if they haven't specified their own licences.
The licences which they specify are MIT license for code and
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-SA) with
section 4d waived for everything else.
to FOSS projects.
### Limnoria
*[Limnoria] is an IRC bot which is fork of popular IRC bot known as [Supybot]*
I have translated [Limnoria] to Finnish, but as I wasn't experienced in
translating, the quality is varying. If you use [Limnoria], please
[report issues] with the translations and I will take a look at them.
My PGP key is [0x4DB53CFE82A46728] and its fingerprint is <strong>24BC 1573 B8EE D666 D10A AA65 4DB5 3CFE 82A4 6728</strong>
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