Briar notes

Briar is a P2P over Tor messenger that can also peer over LAN and Bluetooth.

my-accounts.csv has list of my Briar addresses, as there isnt support for multiple devices. They possibly should be in, but I dont know what would be a good way to show them as browser integrated CSV viewers are rare and I dont think these would be in so much demand.

Briar doesnt hold as big place in my heart as IRC or Matrix to have a dedicated page either and my HTML table tendency is effort even if the page wasnt given a navigation menu entry.


I tend to name my accounts Aminda-HOSTNAME (%Y-%j) e.g. Aminda-Lumina (2022-153) where %Y is year in 4 digits and %j the day of the year (001 to 366). However the older the Briar account still in use, the more random naming scheme there is.

This is by no means a security feature, anyone can name their device like that, its more of convenience should there be older and newer me on same device in contacts lists. This doesnt either mean that I will remember this scheme or updating these files.

Briar desktop

  • TODO: what ports does it want opened in firewall for LAN peering?

I install it from Flathub and at the time of writing it doesnt support groups (where only creator can add users), forums (groups where everyone can add new users) or blogs.