Aminda Suomalainen a7fc8a99ff
wifi/mikrotik-config.tex: initial commit
I exhausted myself while writing and/or formatting this and consider using LaTeX for this a mistake, while this is probably my most fancy document yet and likely was good practice.
I learned at least that arrows require inline math and how to get table of contents that my other files don't have.
2023-01-29 15:19:42 +02:00
2023-01-21 20:27:32 +02:00

Requirements for WiFi devices

I am considering getting a 5G (mobile network) capable one, but as none satisfies my requirements, I might as well write them here for reference when looking at options.

  • WPA3 support as certification began in 2018 already.
    • WPA2/WPA3 Transitional mode
    • WiFi Enhanced Open (OWE) transition mode would be nice
  • Multiple SSIDs (including OWE/transition)
    • Option to have lower priority for the guest network
  • Transmit power control to set it to low
  • 2.4 GHz / 5 GHz dualband (should be obvious in 2022)
    • Ability to set same SSID for both (looking at you Huawei)
      • If the SSIDs differ, devices wont be able to decide between frequency and either 2.4 or 5 GHz must be chosen. 5 GHz is mostly subject to Dynamic Frequency Selection which means no WiFi for 10 minutes on boot.
  • Quality of Service (QoS)

See also