<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [im.vector.web.settings](#imvectorwebsettings) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> # im.vector.web.settings The main point here is the `room_directory_servers` as this is a more pleasant way to copy it around than having to do that manually on all my accounts clicking a lot in Element Web/Desktop. ``` { "theme": "dark", "MessageComposer.showFormatting": false, "MessageComposerInput.isRichTextEnabled": false, "pinUnreadRooms": true, "enableWidgetScreenshots": true, "useCompactLayout": true, "pinMentionedRooms": true, "alwaysShowTimestamps": true, "promptBeforeInviteUnknownUsers": false, "breadcrumbs": true, "Spaces.allRoomsInHome": true, "developerMode": true, "room_directory_servers": [ "fedoraproject.org", "feneas.org", "matrix.org", "pirateriot.net", "liberta.casa", "tchncs.de", "tedomum.net", "converser.eu", "the-apothecary.club", "kapsi.fi", "hacklab.fi", "pikaviestin.fi", "libera.chat", "irc.snt.utwente.nl", "fosdem.org" ] } ```