# Quick account switching in FluffyChat FluffyChat 0.41.0 brings support for using multiple accounts and has an early implementation of quickly switching accounts via input bar, which will get better in a future release, but for now, for impatient people, it can be used by enabling it with Element's (Web/Desktop) `/devtools` by sending a custom account state event. 1. Open Element Web with an account where to set quick switching prefix. 2. In any chatbox enter `/devtools` and enter 3. Select "Send account data" 4. Enter the type as `im.fluffychat.account_bundles` (***WARNING: in case it's typoed the typoed event cannot be removed without being an server administrator with database access.*** 5. Send the following JSON, adjusting where needed (note: the opening and closing brackets `{}` are added automatically): ```json { "bundles": [ { "name": "Ciblia", "priority": 0 } ], "prefix": "C" } ``` *This one is what I set as `@Ciblia:matrix.org` which is logged in as `Ciblia` on `https://matrix-client.matrix.org` (the address was found from https://matrix.org/.well-known/matrix/client)* * name: I think it's a local name that will be used in the future for differentiating accounts in FluffyChat, but I am unsure as of time of typing* * priority: I have no idea what this is either :sweat_smile: * prefix: what will need to be typed to the input bar in FluffyChat for quick account switching 6. Start/restart FluffyChat 7. Type "C message" and the account will be swithed to `@Ciblia:matrix.org`. * If C is needed to be said in the room without switching sending account, start the message with space e.g. ` C message` and the account switching won't happen. Big thank you to FluffyChat contributors who made this feature and Sorunome for initially explaining how to do this so I could attempt to make a more clearer note on how to do it.