/* ==UserStyle== @name System Fonts @updateURL https://gitea.blesmrt.net/mikaela/gist/raw/branch/master/web-browsers/usercss/change-fonts.user.css @namespace eu.aminda @version 2024.23.0 @var select FontSet "Preferred font set" { "System (no fallback)": "system-ui, emoji", "Serif": "ui-serif, system-ui, Liberation Serif, Tinos, Times New Roman, serif, emoji", "Sans Serif": "ui-sans-serif, system-ui, Liberation Sans, Arimo, Arial, sans-serif, emoji" } ==/UserStyle== */ :root { --a-monospace-fonts: "ui-monospace, Liberation Mono", "Cousine", "Courier New", monospace, emoji; } /* Use the variable from above. */ * { font-family: var(--FontSet) !important; } @font-face { font-family: var(--FontSet) !important; } /* Code blocks preferably use monospace font, which is specified here then. */ code, pre { font-family: var(--a-monospace-fonts) !important; @font-face { font-family: var(--a-monospace-fonts) !important; } } /* I have Firefox always underlining links and not seeing it on Android etc. bothers me.*/ a { text-decoration: underline !important; }