# HTML & CSS tricks for future reference <!-- editorconfig-checker-disable --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [Emmet](#emmet) - [html](#html) - [css](#css) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- editorconfig-checker-enable --> ## Emmet Emmet are nice shortcuts for HTML integrated in VSCod{e,ium}, just type them and press enter/return and code appears! ### html - https://docs.emmet.io/abbreviations/ - https://github.com/emmetio/emmet/tree/v2.4.6/src/snippets - ! - boilerplate html with head, body and all - link:css - stylesheet link - h1 - header 1 - p - paragraph tags - code - code block - pre - preformatted code - lorem10 - or other number generates that much of Lorem Ipsum - ul - generates an unordered list - li\*4 - generates 4 list items - hr - the horizontal line - br - linebreak ### css At the time of writing I didn't get anything that useful out of Emmet CSS so the `style.css` is work of prior copy-pasting to become where I copy-paste from! - https://github.com/emmetio/emmet/blob/v2.4.6/src/snippets/css.json