<!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> - [XOP](#xop) <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> **UNMAINTAINED, PLEASE READ https://mikaela.info/english/2015/03/12/stay-away-from-anope.html** This is unlike the Atheme cstemplate as Anope doesn't have similar template system, but these are the pre-defined ones on irc.anope.org # XOP - QOP = owner - GREET, AUTOOP, GETKEY, HALFOP, INVITE, OPME, PROTECTME, SAY, TOPIC - SOP = admin - ACCESS_CHANGE, AKICK, AUTOPROTECT, BADWORDS, MEMO, OP - AOP = op - GREET, AUTOOP, GETKEY, HALFOP, INVITE, OPME, PROTECTME, SAY, TOPIC - HOP = half op - AUTOHALFOP, BAN, HALFOPME, KICK, UNBAN, VOICE - VOP = voice - ACCESS_LIST, AUTOVOICE, FANTASIA, NOKICK, VOICEME Higher privilege also includes the lower ones.