--- layout: null permalink: /n/pwa.html sitemap: false --- # Potentially useful progressive web apps PWAs are especially useful for iOS users, since PWAs added to homescreen from Safari are able to request notifications permission resulting nativeish experience outside of App Store without even having to install anything. Method for distinguishing PWAs from normal websites: adding them to iOS homescreen and seeing which open as "their own apps" _or_ having Chromium suggest "installing" them without manually "installing" them. Proper identification: `view-source` (`CTRL - U`) and `CTRL - F` for `manifest` e.g. `` in ``. - https://caniuse.com/web-app-manifest - https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/Manifest It looks like `about:apps` on Edge (or all Chromiums?) has a `Show applications menu on toolbar` button which then when pressed on a tab has more details for PWAs. "App whatever is available" with logo and "Publisher:" fields. **_TODO: Some of these may be miscategorized while not fullfilling the criteria of PWA._** - [DNS](#dns) - [Events](#events) - [Food](#food) - [Forums](#forums) - [Instant messaging](#instant-messaging) - [Matrix](#matrix) - [Instant messaging](#instant-messaging-1) - [Social media](#social-media) - [Telegram](#telegram) - [XMPP](#xmpp) - [Misc](#misc) - [Learning](#learning) - [Libraries](#libraries) - [Localization](#localization) - [Music](#music) - [News](#news) - [Parcel tracking](#parcel-tracking) - [Shopping](#shopping) - [Shopping centres](#shopping-centres) - [Social media](#social-media-1) - [Federated social news aggregators](#federated-social-news-aggregators) - [Travel](#travel) - [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting) - [Network](#network) - [Not PWAs but still possibly useful for homescreens](#not-pwas-but-still-possibly-useful-for-homescreens) ## DNS - [Quad9.net](https://quad9.net) - I have no idea what is the point of this being a PWA, but it is and suggests me to install it and as I like them, I am including them here. ## Events - Mobilizon - all instances of the federated event & group site function as PWAs. TODO: Do they really nowadays? - https://jarkkaa.fi - Finnish instance - https://calendar.google.com/ - Google's Calendar app ## Food - https://menu.unicafe.fi/ - menu for UniCafes - https://resq-club.com/app/ - waste food pickup ordering app - https://www.fiksuruoka.fi/ - Finnish waste/expiring grocery store - https://www.kotipizza.fi - Finnish pizzeria ## Forums - https://keskustelu.suomi24.fi/ - Suomi24. No explanation required. ## Instant messaging - https://messages.google.com/web/ - Google SMS app web version - https://web.whatsapp.com/ - WhatsApp Web ### Matrix #### Instant messaging - https://fluffychat.im/web/ - Matrix client with multiaccount support - https://hydrogen.element.io/ - very basic Matrix client for lowend devices - Element Web - Matrix web client with most features such as /devtools, essential for modding - https://app.element.io/ - stable - https://staging.element.io/ - rc/beta? - https://develop.element.io/ - bleeding edge - https://app.cinny.in/ - yet another Matrix client (very discordy) #### Social media - https://app.minestrix.henri2h.fr/ - social media based on Matrix ### Telegram - https://web.telegram.org/z/ - https://web.telegram.org/k/ ### XMPP - https://webchat.disroot.org ### Misc - https://latest.glowing-bear.org/ - WeeChat Relay (protocol) client ## Learning - https://www.duolingo.com/ - language learning website - https://preview.duolingo.com/ - testing ## Libraries - https://helmet.finna.fi - Helsinki Metropolitan area libraries ## Localization - https://hosted.weblate.org/ - Translation platform popular amongst FOSS projects ## Music - https://music.youtube.com/ - YouTube Music (Player) ## News - https://iltalehti.fi - big Finnish newspaper - https://www.helsinginuutiset.fi/ - Helsinki area newspaper - https://app.mtvuutiset.fi - another big Finnish media ## Parcel tracking - https://oma.posti.fi - Finnish postal services tracking and online mail (not to be confused with email) ## Shopping - https://www.verkkokauppa.com/ - Finnish online retailer ### Shopping centres - https://www.redi.fi/ - Kalasatama/Fiskehamnen, Helsinki - https://www.isoomena.fi/ - Matinkylä/Mattsby, Espoo ## Social media ### Federated social news aggregators - Lemmy - https://lemmy.tedomum.net/ - https://latte.isnot.coffee - Mbin - https://fedia.io ## Travel - https://guide.suomenlinna.fi/ - mobile guide for Suomenlinna (UNESCO World Heritage site), which is also a neighbourhood in Helsinki, Finland. - https://osmgo.com/ - OpenStreetMap PoI contribution app ## Troubleshooting The below is the only not that spammy option, others would include `top10vpn.com` and `dnsadblock.com`, but they take a few clicks to navigate to useful content, so I opt to not link them directly as I cannot see myself ever installing them. ### Network - [ipleak.net](https://ipleak.net) performs DNS leak test and says a lot of what else your browser tells about itself. ## Not PWAs but still possibly useful for homescreens Continuing the previous method, these open in Safari. - http://http.badssl.com - essential captive portal trigger - - Cloudflare DNS debug - https://mullvad.net/check - Mullvad leak test - https://junalahdot.fi - Official Finnish train station information - https://www.junat.net/ - Finnish train station information displays (including arrivals) - https://perille.fi - Finnish long distance transport comparison site - https://pikavuorot.fi - Finnish long distance transport comparison site - https://sanakirja.org - Finnish dictionary for translating languages