# Notes on using LaTeX To possibly spare yourself from headache: - Fedora: `sudo dnf install texlive-scheme-full -y` - Debian: `sudo apt install texlive-full -y` - [Simple boilerplate](#simple-boilerplate) - [Package management](#package-management) - [Installing custom templates](#installing-custom-templates) - [Noteworthy templates](#noteworthy-templates) ## Simple boilerplate Refer to `hello.tex` For leaflets or flyers, https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/16355/274626 has nice answers. ## Package management **_Don't do this, use `YOURFAVOURITEPACKAGEMANAGER search texlive-moderncv` or whatever_** Fedora: remember to `sudo dnf install texlive-msg texlive-texlive-msg-translations` to remove one nag. Which doesn't work with Finnish, naturally. ```bash tlmgr init-usertree tlmgr --ignore-warning --usermode install moderncv ``` ## Installing custom templates 1. Put them to `~/texmf/tex/latex/local/` The `tlmgr init-usertree` might be useful? - This can be verified with `kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME` in case this happened to be not-Linux. 2. Run `texhash ~/texmf` ### Noteworthy templates - [Finnish standard document](https://github.com/datakurre/vakioasiakirja)