This is unlike the Atheme cstemplate as Anope doesn't have similar template system, but these are the pre-defined ones on XOP === * QOP = owner * GREET, AUTOOP, GETKEY, HALFOP, INVITE, OPME, PROTECTME, SAY, TOPIC * SOP = admin * ACCESS_CHANGE, AKICK, AUTOPROTECT, BADWORDS, MEMO, OP * AOP = op * GREET, AUTOOP, GETKEY, HALFOP, INVITE, OPME, PROTECTME, SAY, TOPIC * HOP = half op * AUTOHALFOP, BAN, HALFOPME, KICK, UNBAN, VOICE * VOP = voice * ACCESS_LIST, AUTOVOICE, FANTASIA, NOKICK, VOICEME And these words mean? ---------------------