diff --git a/irc/atheme/cstemplate b/irc/atheme/cstemplate index 6a7b512..462146b 100755 --- a/irc/atheme/cstemplate +++ b/irc/atheme/cstemplate @@ -8,59 +8,59 @@ ## ChanServ settings # Tell ChanServ to be on channel. Not needed for larger channels -echo "/msg ChanServ set $1 GUARD ON" +echo "/cs set $1 GUARD ON" # Disables ChanServ MLOCK -echo "/msg ChanServ set $1 MLOCK" +echo "/cs set $1 MLOCK" # Allow channel information to be seen -echo "/msg ChanServ set $1 PRIVATE OFF" +echo "/cs set $1 PRIVATE OFF" # Allow only identified users to be opped -echo "/msg ChanServ set $1 SECURE ON" +echo "/cs set $1 SECURE ON" # Allow only users with +t flag to change topic -echo "/msg ChanServ set $1 TOPICLOCK ON" +echo "/cs set $1 TOPICLOCK ON" # Allows everyone to see ACL changes. -echo "/msg ChanServ set $1 VERBOSE ON" +echo "/cs set $1 VERBOSE ON" ## ChanServ templates # Channel founder who can do anything they want. -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 founder !+*F" +echo "/cs template $1 founder !+*F" # Successor will get all flags in the end and if they cannot be trusted # with them now, they really shouldn't be successor. -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 successor !+*S" +echo "/cs template $1 successor !+*S" # Super op, be able to do everything with services -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 sop !+*-q" +echo "/cs template $1 sop !+*-q" # Normal op, be able to invite, invite, kick, kickban, unban, change topic -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 op !+vVoirtAO" +echo "/cs template $1 op !+vVoirtAO" # Half op, be able to do everything else than kick other halfops & higher -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 hop !+vVirtAH" +echo "/cs template $1 hop !+vVirtAH" # Network operator whom we want to have a little access so they can help # with channel issues in case our own ops are away. # Usually given to $OPER or staffer hostmask. -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 oper !+voirtA" +echo "/cs template $1 oper !+voirtA" # Bot which doesn't need to be able to do so much. -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 bot !+Oirt" +echo "/cs template $1 bot !+Oirt" # Half op bot which doesn't need to be able to do even that much -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 hbot !+Hirt" +echo "/cs template $1 hbot !+Hirt" # User who is just allowed to voice themselves and get into the channel # unless they are banned. -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 user !+ViA" +echo "/cs template $1 user !+ViA" # Lesser version of user, usually given to $REGISTERED or *!*@*. Can view # the access list to see whom to contact in emergency and use MemoServ # SENDOPS commands. Requires user to be registered even if *!*@* has +A. -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 alert +A" +echo "/cs template $1 alert +A" # Permanent ban. Removes all flags and sets autokick. -echo "/msg ChanServ template $1 ban -*+b" +echo "/cs template $1 ban -*+b"