# CV on Jekyll/markdown * [Live version](https://mikaela.info/cv/) This CV is inpired by [Carolyn Stransky's Creating a digital CV in Markdown on GitHub](https://workwithcarolyn.com/blog/digital-cv-guide) and intented to *contain everything* and be source for *copy-pasting to CVs actually sent* to parties interested in CV/resume. The smaller version will likely be generated with [EuroPass](http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents/curriculum-vitae). ## To-do, issues, feedback etc. * [GitHub issues](https://github.com/Mikaela/cv/issues) * [GitHub discussions](https://github.com/Mikaela/cv/discussions/) ## Versioning Due to having two different language versions, I need to be aware which state particular version is to keep them in sync, I have decided to use [CalVer](https://calver.org/) format `YYYY.0W.MICRO` (year.week.numberofEdit e.g. `2022.01.00`). Additionally more human readable date is provided for convenience of the reader for when I have made changes or confirmed the CV to still be up-to-date. Internally both of these are provided in the YAML front matter and refer to variable on the bottom of the page.