No need to bother with details (that are all outdated / out of sync anyway), just look up the git history.
Documentation for the Owner plugin for Supybot
Provides commands useful to the owner of the bot; the commands here require their caller to have the 'owner' capability. This plugin is loaded by default.
Owner-only commands for core Supybot. This is a core Supybot module that should not be removed!
- announce <text>
Sends <text> to all channels the bot is currently on and not lobotomized in.
- defaultcapability {add|remove} <capability>
Adds or removes (according to the first argument) <capability> from the default capabilities given to users (the configuration variable supybot.capabilities stores these).
- defaultplugin [--remove] <command> [<plugin>]
Sets the default plugin for <command> to <plugin>. If --remove is given, removes the current default plugin for <command>. If no plugin is given, returns the current default plugin set for <command>. See also, supybot.commands.defaultPlugins.importantPlugins.
- disable [<plugin>] <command>
Disables the command <command> for all users (including the owners). If <plugin> is given, only disables the <command> from <plugin>. If you want to disable a command for most users but not for yourself, set a default capability of -plugin.command or -command (if you want to disable the command in all plugins).
- enable [<plugin>] <command>
Enables the command <command> for all users. If <plugin> if given, only enables the <command> from <plugin>. This command is the inverse of disable.
- flush takes no arguments
Runs all the periodic flushers in world.flushers. This includes flushing all logs and all configuration changes to disk.
- ircquote <string to be sent to the server>
Sends the raw string given to the server.
- load [--deprecated] <plugin>
Loads the plugin <plugin> from any of the directories in conf.supybot.directories.plugins; usually this includes the main installed directory and 'plugins' in the current directory. --deprecated is necessary if you wish to load deprecated plugins.
- logmark <text>
Logs <text> to the global Supybot log at critical priority. Useful for marking logfiles for later searching.
- quit [<text>]
Exits the bot with the QUIT message <text>. If <text> is not given, the default quit message (supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg) will be used. If there is no default quitMsg set, your nick will be used. The standard substitutions ($version, $nick, etc.) are all handled appropriately.
- reload <plugin>
Unloads and subsequently reloads the plugin by name; use the 'list' command to see a list of the currently loaded plugins.
- reloadlocale takes no argument
Reloads the locale of the bot.
- rename <plugin> <command> <new name>
Renames <command> in <plugin> to the <new name>.
- unload <plugin>
Unloads the callback by name; use the 'list' command to see a list of the currently loaded plugins. Obviously, the Owner plugin can't be unloaded.
- unrename <plugin>
Removes all renames in <plugin>. The plugin will be reloaded after this command is run.
- upkeep [<level>]
Runs the standard upkeep stuff (flushes and gc.collects()). If given a level, runs that level of upkeep (currently, the only supported level is "high", which causes the bot to flush a lot of caches as well as do normal upkeep stuff).
- supybot.plugins.Owner.announceFormat
This config variable defaults to "Announcement from my owner ($owner): $text", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines the format of messages sent by the 'announce' command. $owner may be used for the username of the owner calling this command, and $text for the announcement being made.
- supybot.plugins.Owner.public
This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.
- supybot.plugins.Owner.quitMsg
This config variable defaults to "Limnoria $version", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines what quit message will be used by default. If the quit command is called without a quit message, this will be used. If this value is empty, the nick of the person giving the quit command will be used. The standard substitutions ($version, $nick, etc.) are all handled appropriately.