2004-11-19 20:39:22 +00:00

191 lines
4.1 KiB

# .pycheckrc file created by PyChecker v0.8.11 @ Tue Jul 23 02:43:41 2002
# It should be placed in your home directory (value of $HOME).
# If $HOME is not set, it will look in the current directory.
# unused imports
importUsed = 1
# unused imports from
packageImportUsed = 1
# module imports itself
reimportSelf = 1
# reimporting a module
moduleImportErrors = 1
# module does import and from ... import
mixImport = 1
# unused local variables, except tuples
localVariablesUsed = 1
# all unused local variables, including tuples
unusedLocalTuple = 0
# all unused class data members
membersUsed = 0
# all unused module variables
allVariablesUsed = 0
# unused private module variables
privateVariableUsed = 1
# report each occurrence of global warnings
reportAllGlobals = 1
# functions called with named arguments (like keywords)
namedArgs = 0
# Attributes (members) must be defined in __init__()
onlyCheckInitForMembers = 0
# Subclass.__init__() not defined
initDefinedInSubclass = 0
# Baseclass.__init__() not called
baseClassInitted = 1
# Subclass needs to override methods that only throw exceptions
abstractClasses = 1
# Return None from __init__()
returnNoneFromInit = 1
# unreachable code
unreachableCode = 0
# a constant is used in a conditional statement
constantConditions = 1
# 1 is used in a conditional statement (if 1: or while 1:)
constant1 = 0
# check if iterating over a string
stringIteration = 1
# Calling data members as functions
callingAttribute = 0
# class attribute does not exist
classAttrExists = 1
# First argument to methods
methodArgName = 'self'
# unused method/function arguments
argumentsUsed = 1
# unused method/function variable arguments
varArgumentsUsed = 1
# ignore if self is unused in methods
ignoreSelfUnused = 0
# check if overridden methods have the same signature
checkOverridenMethods = 1
# check if function/class/method names are reused
redefiningFunction = 1
# check if using unary positive (+) which is usually meaningless
unaryPositive = 1
# check if modify (call method) on a parameter that has a default value
modifyDefaultValue = 0
# check if variables are set to different types
inconsistentTypes = 0
# check if unpacking a non-sequence
unpackNonSequence = 1
# check if unpacking sequence with the wrong length
unpackLength = 1
# check if raising or catching bad exceptions
badExceptions = 1
# check consistent return values
checkReturnValues = 1
# check if using implict and explicit return values
checkImplicitReturns = 1
# check that attributes of objects exist
checkObjectAttrs = 1
# various warnings about incorrect usage of __slots__
slots = 1
# using properties with classic classes
classicProperties = 1
# check if __slots__ is empty
emptySlots = 1
# check if using integer division
intDivide = 1
# check if local variable shadows a global
shadows = 0
# check if input() is used
usesInput = 1
# check if the exec statement is used
usesExec = 0
# ignore warnings from files under standard library
ignoreStandardLibrary = 1
# ignore warnings from the list of modules
blacklist = ['Tkinter', 'wxPython', 'gtk', 'GTK', 'GDK', 'asynchat']
# ignore global variables not used if name is one of these values
variablesToIgnore = ['__version__', '__warningregistry__', '__all__', '__credits__', '__author__', '__email__',]
# ignore unused locals/arguments if name is one of these values
unusedNames = ['_', 'empty', 'unused', 'dummy', 'irc', 'args', 'msg', 'match', 'afterConnect', 'onStart', 'advanced', 'yn', 'expect', 'anything', 'something',]
# ignore use of deprecated modules/functions
deprecated = 1
# maximum lines in a function
maxLines = 200
# maximum branches in a function
maxBranches = 50
# maximum returns in a function
maxReturns = 10
# maximum # of arguments to a function
maxArgs = 10
# maximum # of locals in a function
maxLocals = 40
# maximum # of identifier references (Law of Demeter)
maxReferences = 5
# no module doc strings
noDocModule = 0
# no class doc strings
noDocClass = 0
# no function/method doc strings
noDocFunc = 0
# print internal checker parse structures
printParse = 0
# turn on debugging for checker
debug = 0