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James Vega b9db0330e4 Update others/amazon.py to latest version and add the new region support to
plugins/Amazon.py (supybot.plugins.Amazon.region)
2004-09-25 16:59:23 +00:00

365 lines
15 KiB

"""Python wrapper
for Amazon web APIs
This module allows you to access Amazon's web APIs,
to do things like search Amazon and get the results programmatically.
Described here:
You need a Amazon-provided license key to use these services.
Follow the link above to get one. These functions will look in
several places (in this order) for the license key:
- the "license_key" argument of each function
- the module-level LICENSE_KEY variable (call setLicense once to set it)
- an environment variable called AMAZON_LICENSE_KEY
- a file called ".amazonkey" in the current directory
- a file called "amazonkey.txt" in the current directory
- a file called ".amazonkey" in your home directory
- a file called "amazonkey.txt" in your home directory
- a file called ".amazonkey" in the same directory as amazon.py
- a file called "amazonkey.txt" in the same directory as amazon.py
Sample usage:
>>> import amazon
>>> amazon.setLicense('...') # must get your own key!
>>> pythonBooks = amazon.searchByKeyword('Python')
>>> pythonBooks[0].ProductName
u'Learning Python (Help for Programmers)'
>>> pythonBooks[0].URL
>>> pythonBooks[0].OurPrice
Other available functions:
- browseBestSellers
- searchByASIN
- searchByUPC
- searchByAuthor
- searchByArtist
- searchByActor
- searchByDirector
- searchByManufacturer
- searchByListMania
- searchSimilar
- searchByWishlist
Other usage notes:
- Most functions can take product_line as well, see source for possible values
- All functions can take type="lite" to get less detail in results
- All functions can take page=N to get second, third, fourth page of results
- All functions can take license_key="XYZ", instead of setting it globally
- All functions can take http_proxy="http://x/y/z" which overrides your system setting
__author__ = "Mark Pilgrim (f8dy@diveintomark.org)"
__version__ = "0.64.1"
__cvsversion__ = "$Revision$"[11:-2]
__date__ = "$Date$"[7:-2]
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2002 Mark Pilgrim"
__license__ = "Python"
# Powersearch and return object type fix by Joseph Reagle <geek@goatee.net>
# Locale support by Michael Josephson <mike@josephson.org>
# Modification to _contentsOf to strip trailing whitespace when loading Amazon key
# from a file submitted by Patrick Phalen.
# Support for specifying locale and associates ID as search parameters and
# internationalisation fix for the SalesRank integer conversion by
# Christian Theune <ct@gocept.com>, gocept gmbh & co. kg
# Support for BlendedSearch contributed by Alex Choo
from xml.dom import minidom
import os, sys, getopt, cgi, urllib, string
import timeoutsocket # http://www.timo-tasi.org/python/timeoutsocket.py
except ImportError:
ASSOCIATE = "webservices-20"
LOCALE = "us"
# don't touch the rest of these constants
class AmazonError(Exception): pass
class NoLicenseKey(Exception): pass
_amazonfile1 = ".amazonkey"
_amazonfile2 = "amazonkey.txt"
_licenseLocations = (
(lambda key: key, 'passed to the function in license_key variable'),
(lambda key: LICENSE_KEY, 'module-level LICENSE_KEY variable (call setLicense to set it)'),
(lambda key: os.environ.get('AMAZON_LICENSE_KEY', None), 'an environment variable called AMAZON_LICENSE_KEY'),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.getcwd(), _amazonfile1), '%s in the current directory' % _amazonfile1),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.getcwd(), _amazonfile2), '%s in the current directory' % _amazonfile2),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.environ.get('HOME', ''), _amazonfile1), '%s in your home directory' % _amazonfile1),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(os.environ.get('HOME', ''), _amazonfile2), '%s in your home directory' % _amazonfile2),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(_getScriptDir(), _amazonfile1), '%s in the amazon.py directory' % _amazonfile1),
(lambda key: _contentsOf(_getScriptDir(), _amazonfile2), '%s in the amazon.py directory' % _amazonfile2)
_supportedLocales = {
"us" : (None, "xml.amazon.com"),
"uk" : ("uk", "xml-eu.amazon.com"),
"de" : ("de", "xml-eu.amazon.com"),
"jp" : ("jp", "xml.amazon.co.jp")
## administrative functions
def version():
print """PyAmazon %(__version__)s
released %(__date__)s
""" % globals()
def setAssociate(associate):
def getAssociate(override=None):
return override or ASSOCIATE
## utility functions
def _checkLocaleSupported(locale):
if not _supportedLocales.has_key(locale):
raise AmazonError, ("Unsupported locale. Locale must be one of: %s" %
string.join(_supportedLocales, ", "))
def setLocale(locale):
"""set locale"""
global LOCALE
LOCALE = locale
def getLocale(locale=None):
"""get locale"""
return locale or LOCALE
def setLicense(license_key):
"""set license key"""
LICENSE_KEY = license_key
def getLicense(license_key = None):
"""get license key
license key can come from any number of locations;
see module docs for search order"""
for get, location in _licenseLocations:
rc = get(license_key)
if rc: return rc
raise NoLicenseKey, 'get a license key at http://www.amazon.com/webservices'
def setProxy(http_proxy):
"""set HTTP proxy"""
HTTP_PROXY = http_proxy
def getProxy(http_proxy = None):
"""get HTTP proxy"""
return http_proxy or HTTP_PROXY
def getProxies(http_proxy = None):
http_proxy = getProxy(http_proxy)
if http_proxy:
proxies = {"http": http_proxy}
proxies = None
return proxies
def _contentsOf(dirname, filename):
filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if not os.path.exists(filename): return None
fsock = open(filename)
contents = fsock.read().strip()
return contents
def _getScriptDir():
if __name__ == '__main__':
return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
return os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__))
class Bag: pass
def unmarshal(element):
rc = Bag()
if isinstance(element, minidom.Element) and (element.tagName == 'Details'):
rc.URL = element.attributes["url"].value
childElements = [e for e in element.childNodes if isinstance(e, minidom.Element)]
if childElements:
for child in childElements:
key = child.tagName
if hasattr(rc, key):
if type(getattr(rc, key)) <> type([]):
setattr(rc, key, [getattr(rc, key)])
setattr(rc, key, getattr(rc, key) + [unmarshal(child)])
elif isinstance(child, minidom.Element) and (child.tagName == 'Details'):
# make the first Details element a key
#dbg: because otherwise 'hasattr' only tests
#dbg: on the second occurence: if there's a
#dbg: single return to a query, it's not a
#dbg: list. This module should always
#dbg: return a list of Details objects.
setattr(rc, key, unmarshal(child))
rc = "".join([e.data for e in element.childNodes if isinstance(e, minidom.Text)])
if element.tagName == 'SalesRank':
rc = rc.replace('.', '')
rc = rc.replace(',', '')
rc = int(rc)
return rc
def buildURL(search_type, keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, locale, associate):
url = "http://" + _supportedLocales[locale][1] + "/onca/xml3?f=xml"
url += "&t=%s" % associate
url += "&dev-t=%s" % license_key.strip()
url += "&type=%s" % type
if _supportedLocales[locale][0]:
url += "&locale=%s" % _supportedLocales[locale][0]
if page:
url += "&page=%s" % page
if product_line:
url += "&mode=%s" % product_line
url += "&%s=%s" % (search_type, urllib.quote(keyword))
return url
## main functions
def search(search_type, keyword, product_line, type = "heavy", page = None,
license_key=None, http_proxy = None, locale = None, associate = None):
"""search Amazon
You need a license key to call this function; see
to get one. Then you can either pass it to
this function every time, or set it globally; see the module docs for details.
keyword - keyword to search
search_type - in (KeywordSearch, BrowseNodeSearch, AsinSearch, UpcSearch, AuthorSearch, ArtistSearch, ActorSearch, DirectorSearch, ManufacturerSearch, ListManiaSearch, SimilaritySearch)
product_line - type of product to search for. restrictions based on search_type
UpcSearch - in (music, classical)
AuthorSearch - must be "books"
ArtistSearch - in (music, classical)
ActorSearch - in (dvd, vhs, video)
DirectorSearch - in (dvd, vhs, video)
ManufacturerSearch - in (electronics, kitchen, videogames, software, photo, pc-hardware)
http_proxy (optional) - address of HTTP proxy to use for sending and receiving SOAP messages
Returns: list of Bags, each Bag may contain the following attributes:
Asin - Amazon ID ("ASIN" number) of this item
Authors - list of authors
Availability - "available", etc.
BrowseList - list of related categories
Catalog - catalog type ("Book", etc)
CollectiblePrice - ?, format "$34.95"
ImageUrlLarge - URL of large image of this item
ImageUrlMedium - URL of medium image of this item
ImageUrlSmall - URL of small image of this item
Isbn - ISBN number
ListPrice - list price, format "$34.95"
Lists - list of ListMania lists that include this item
Manufacturer - manufacturer
Media - media ("Paperback", "Audio CD", etc)
NumMedia - number of different media types in which this item is available
OurPrice - Amazon price, format "$24.47"
ProductName - name of this item
ReleaseDate - release date, format "09 April, 1999"
Reviews - reviews (AvgCustomerRating, plus list of CustomerReview with Rating, Summary, Content)
SalesRank - sales rank (integer)
SimilarProducts - list of Product, which is ASIN number
ThirdPartyNewPrice - ?, format "$34.95"
URL - URL of this item
license_key = getLicense(license_key)
locale = getLocale(locale)
associate = getAssociate(associate)
url = buildURL(search_type, keyword, product_line, type, page,
license_key, locale, associate)
proxies = getProxies(http_proxy)
u = urllib.FancyURLopener(proxies)
usock = u.open(url)
xmldoc = minidom.parse(usock)
# from xml.dom.ext import PrettyPrint
# PrettyPrint(xmldoc)
if search_type == "BlendedSearch":
data = unmarshal(xmldoc).BlendedSearch
data = unmarshal(xmldoc).ProductInfo
if hasattr(data, 'ErrorMsg'):
raise AmazonError, data.ErrorMsg
if search_type == "BlendedSearch":
# a list of ProductLine containing a list of ProductInfo
# containing a list of Details.
return data
return data.Details
def searchByKeyword(keyword, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("KeywordSearch", keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def browseBestSellers(browse_node, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("BrowseNodeSearch", browse_node, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByASIN(ASIN, type="heavy", license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("AsinSearch", ASIN, None, type, None, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByUPC(UPC, type="heavy", license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("UpcSearch", UPC, None, type, None, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByAuthor(author, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("AuthorSearch", author, "books", type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByArtist(artist, product_line="music", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("music", "classical"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('music', 'classical')"
return search("ArtistSearch", artist, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByActor(actor, product_line="dvd", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("dvd", "vhs", "video"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('dvd', 'vhs', 'video')"
return search("ActorSearch", actor, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByDirector(director, product_line="dvd", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("dvd", "vhs", "video"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('dvd', 'vhs', 'video')"
return search("DirectorSearch", director, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByManufacturer(manufacturer, product_line="pc-hardware", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
if product_line not in ("electronics", "kitchen", "videogames", "software", "photo", "pc-hardware"):
raise AmazonError, "product_line must be in ('electronics', 'kitchen', 'videogames', 'software', 'photo', 'pc-hardware')"
return search("ManufacturerSearch", manufacturer, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByListMania(listManiaID, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("ListManiaSearch", listManiaID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchSimilar(ASIN, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("SimilaritySearch", ASIN, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByWishlist(wishlistID, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("WishlistSearch", wishlistID, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
def searchByPower(keyword, product_line="books", type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("PowerSearch", keyword, product_line, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)
# >>> RecentKing = amazon.searchByPower('author:Stephen King and pubdate:2003')
# >>> SnowCrash = amazon.searchByPower('title:Snow Crash')
def searchByBlended(keyword, type="heavy", page=1, license_key=None, http_proxy=None, locale=None, associate=None):
return search("BlendedSearch", keyword, None, type, page, license_key, http_proxy, locale, associate)