2015-08-10 20:24:11 +02:00

189 lines
6.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import re
import sys
import shutil
import subprocess
from optparse import OptionParser
def firstLines(filename, n):
fd = file(filename)
lines = []
while n:
n -= 1
return lines
def firstLine(filename):
return firstLines(filename, 1)[0]
def error(s):
def system(sh, errmsg=None, **kwargs):
if errmsg is None:
if isinstance(sh, minisix.string_types):
errmsg = repr(sh)
errmsg = repr(' '.join(sh))
ret =, **kwargs)
if ret:
error(errmsg + ' (error code: %s)' % ret)
def checkGitRepo():
system('test "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree)" = "true"',
'Must be run from a git checkout.',
system('test "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup >/dev/null)" = ""',
'Must be run from the top-level directory of the git checkout.',
system('git rev-parse --verify HEAD >/dev/null '
'&& git update-index --refresh'
'&& git diff-files --quiet'
'&& git diff-index --cached --quiet HEAD --',
'Your tree is unclean. Can\'t run from here.',
if __name__ == '__main__':
usage = 'usage: %prog [options] <username> <version>'
parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.set_defaults(sign=False, verbose=False, branch='master')
parser.add_option('-s', '--sign', action='store_true', dest='sign',
help='Pass on -s to relevant git commands')
parser.add_option('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true', dest='dry_run',
help='Build the release, but do not push to the git '
'remote or upload the release archives.')
parser.add_option('-b', '--branch', metavar='BRANCH', dest='branch',
help='Branch to use for the release. Default: %default')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 2:
parser.error('Both username and version must be specified')
(u, v) = args
if not re.match(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?\w*$', v):
parser.error('Invalid version string: '
'must be of the form MAJOR.MINOR.PATCHLEVEL')
sign = options.sign
dryrun = options.dry_run
branch = options.branch
if os.path.exists('supybot'):
error('I need to make the directory "supybot" but it already exists.'
' Change to an appropriate directory or remove the supybot '
'directory to continue.')
print 'Checking out fresh tree from git.'
repo = 'git+ssh://' % u
system(['git', 'clone', '-b', branch, repo])
print 'Checking RELNOTES version line.'
if firstLine('RELNOTES') != 'Version %s' % v:
error('Invalid first line in RELNOTES.')
print 'Checking ChangeLog version line.'
(first, _, third) = firstLines('ChangeLog', 3)
if not re.match(r'^20\d\d-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\w+.*<\S+@\S+>$', first):
error('Invalid first line in ChangeLog.')
if not re.match(r'^\t\* Version %s!$' % v, third):
error('Invalid third line in ChangeLog.')
print 'Updating version in version files.'
versionFiles = ['src/']
for fn in versionFiles:
sh = ['perl', '-pi', '-e', 's/^version\s*=.*/version = \'%s\'/' % v, fn]
system(sh, 'Error changing version in %s' % fn)
commit = ['git', 'commit']
if sign:
system(commit + ['-m', 'Updated to %s.' % v] + versionFiles)
print 'Tagging release.'
tag = ['git', 'tag']
if sign:
system(tag + ['-m', "Release %s" % v, 'v%s' % v])
print 'Committing %s+git to version files.' % v
for fn in versionFiles:
system(['perl', '-pi', '-e',
's/^version\s*=.*/version = \'%s+git\'/' % v, fn],
'Error changing version in %s' % fn)
system(commit + ['-m', 'Updated to %s+git.' % v] + versionFiles)
if not dryrun:
print 'Pushing commits and tag.'
system(['git', 'push', 'origin', branch])
system(['git', 'push', '--tags'])
archive = ['git', 'archive', '--prefix=Supybot-%s/' % v]
print 'Creating tarball (gzip).'
system(archive + ['-o', '../Supybot-%s.tar.gz' % v,
'--format=tgz', 'v%s' % v])
system(['git', 'config', 'tar.bz2.command', 'bzip2 -c'])
print 'Creating tarball (bzip2).'
system(archive + ['-o', '../Supybot-%s.tar.bz2' % v,
'--format=bz2', 'v%s' % v])
print 'Creating zip.'
system(archive + ['-o', '../' % v,
'--format=zip', 'v%s' % v])
if not dryrun:
print 'Uploading package files to'
system('scp Supybot-%s.tar.gz Supybot-%s.tar.bz2 '
'' % (v, v, v, u))
os.unlink('Supybot-%s.tar.gz' % v)
os.unlink('Supybot-%s.tar.bz2' % v)
os.unlink('' % v)
print 'Copying new version.txt over to project webserver.'
system('echo %s > version.txt' % v)
system('scp version.txt'
# print 'Generating documentation.'
# # docFiles is in the format {directory: files}
# docFiles = {'.': ('README', 'INSTALL', 'ChangeLog'),
# 'docs': ('config.html', 'CAPABILITIES', 'commands.html',
# 'plugins', 'plugins.html', 'STYLE'),
# }
# system('python scripts/supybot-plugin-doc')
# pwd = os.getcwd()
# os.chmod('docs/plugins', 0775)
# sh = 'tar rf %s/docs.tar %%s' % pwd
# for (dir, L) in docFiles.iteritems():
# os.chdir(os.path.join(pwd, dir))
# system(sh % ' '.join(L))
# os.chdir(pwd)
# system('bzip2 docs.tar')
# print 'Uploading documentation to webspace.'
# system('scp docs.tar.bz2'
# '/htdocs/docs/.' % u)
# system('ssh "cd /home/groups/s/su/supybot/htdocs/docs; '
# 'tar jxf docs.tar.bz2"' % u)
# print 'Cleaning up generated documentation.'
# shutil.rmtree('docs/plugins')
# configFiles = ('docs/config.html', 'docs/plugins.html',
# 'docs/commands.html', 'docs.tar.bz2', 'test-conf',
# 'test-data', 'test-logs', 'tmp')
# for fn in configFiles:
# os.remove(fn)