This commit reverts db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 (though it keeps the year updates) After discussion with several people, it seems better to mention copyright owners explicitly. eg. https://reuse.software/faq/#vcs-copyright explains the issue of using VCSs to track copyright. As db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 only replaced mentions of my name with 'The Limnoria Contributors', this commit only needs to undo that + add one person who contributed to setup.py.
Documentation for the Success plugin for Supybot
The Success plugin spices up success replies by allowing custom messages instead of the default 'The operation succeeded.' message; like Dunno does for "no such command" replies.
This plugin was written initially to work with MoobotFactoids, the two of them to provide a similar-to-moobot-and-blootbot interface for factoids. Basically, it replaces the standard 'The operation succeeded.' messages with messages kept in a database, able to give more personable responses.
- add [<channel>] <text>
Adds <text> to the success database for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
- change [<channel>] <id> <regexp>
Changes the success with id <id> according to the regular expression <regexp>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
- get [<channel>] <id>
Gets the success with id <id> from the success database for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
- remove [<channel>] <id>
Removes the success with id <id> from the success database for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
- search [<channel>] [--{regexp,by} <value>] [<glob>]
Searches for successes matching the criteria given.
- stats [<channel>]
Returns the number of successes in the database for <channel>. <channel> is only necessary if the message isn't sent in the channel itself.
- supybot.plugins.Success.prefixNick
This config variable defaults to "True", is network-specific, and is channel-specific.
Determines whether the bot will prefix the nick of the user giving an invalid command to the success response.
- supybot.plugins.Success.public
This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.