This commit reverts db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 (though it keeps the year updates) After discussion with several people, it seems better to mention copyright owners explicitly. eg. https://reuse.software/faq/#vcs-copyright explains the issue of using VCSs to track copyright. As db7ef3f02517f9f2a3c56829a22b9fad3c36e374 only replaced mentions of my name with 'The Limnoria Contributors', this commit only needs to undo that + add one person who contributed to setup.py.
Documentation for the Debug plugin for Supybot
This is for developers debugging their plugins; it provides an eval command as well as some other useful commands. It should not be loaded with a default installation.
This plugin provides debugging abilities for Supybot. It should not be loaded with a default installation.
- channeldb [<channel>]
Returns the result of the channeldb converter.
- collect [<times>]
Does <times> gc collections, returning the number of objects collected each time. <times> defaults to 1.
- environ takes no arguments
Returns the environment of the supybot process.
- eval <expression>
Evaluates <expression> (which should be a Python expression) and returns its value. If an exception is raised, reports the exception (and logs the traceback to the bot's logfile).
- exec <statement>
Execs <code>. Returns success if it didn't raise any exceptions.
- exn <exception name>
Raises the exception matching <exception name>.
- sendquote <raw IRC message>
Sends (not queues) the raw IRC message given.
- settrace [<filename>]
Starts tracing function calls to <filename>. If <filename> is not given, sys.stdout is used. This causes much output.
- simpleeval <expression>
Evaluates the given expression.
- unsettrace takes no arguments
Stops tracing function calls on stdout.
- supybot.plugins.Debug.public
This config variable defaults to "True", is not network-specific, and is not channel-specific.
Determines whether this plugin is publicly visible.